The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
haha well can't blame a lad for trying.

so how old are the plants? have you flipped 12/12? when you're watering, is the soil wet still or bone dry ? in the middle?

if your following a schedule its more likely you're overwatering rather than the mix being too hot. when you next go to water stick your thumb into the side of the soil if its wet about 2/3 of an inch down leave the watering another day. roots love oxygen just as much as water/food


Active Member
haha well can't blame a lad for trying.

so how old are the plants? have you flipped 12/12? when you're watering, is the soil wet still or bone dry ? in the middle?

if your following a schedule its more likely you're overwatering rather than the mix being too hot. when you next go to water stick your thumb into the side of the soil if its wet about 2/3 of an inch down leave the watering another day. roots love oxygen just as much as water/food
Im just into week 4 of flowering so flipped to 12/12 4 weeks ago. I always check the soil before i water and they are always dry.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
could just be the strain then. like DST said you could be lacking in something.

what are your temps like? i was finding i was overwatering to compensate for evaporating when it was really hot.


Active Member
the temp never goes above 28c and i have a Rhino filter running and a fan to circulate the air. So roughly how often would they need watering then?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha i see dst. then i must b growing none being a law fearing uker haha.
not seen many vertical grows. is it set up so u can fit more in a small space in general? do the bottom plants get enough light with the shelf unit in there?
another 7 pips in water today hoping they pop. its another four bc i promised few pals, i bsb and two dodgy looking bubblegum pips for me.
for the breeders here i got hps 150 arriving back in few days n wanna use to seperate me males. how many small male plants could that help along for me collect some pollen? 3 should b ok for few weeks shouldnt it?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
any body struggling with temps yet?
if so hahahahahaha.
my tent sat at 26 with no extraction needed so far. haha gotta love led vegging.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
the temp never goes above 28c and i have a Rhino filter running and a fan to circulate the air. So roughly how often would they need watering then?
28 is the upper end of comfortable, if it's that hot now though come summer it might be a prob. water as and when they need it. some use the thumb in technique :lol: some lift the pots, wont take long to get a feel for how heavy they are dry and wet.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what the nute %'s are on the baxmix soil? Perhaps with that and the mix of bloom nutrients that are going in, there is a bit of a nute lock out, or not enough N. Pics for help assessing could be in order, it may just be the strain. Often a strain will sacrifice fan leaves if they are on a part of the plant that is not supporting a branch, used for leaching out nasties.
Well its under 600w HPS in batmix soil, and im feeding with plagron terra bloom on the schedule i said before. Oh and by the way i'm a she so havnt got a wife got a hubby. lol lol


Well-Known Member
Well thats all 8 plants chopped and hangin. Pleased with the results. We just done the last 4 SLH and decided we are going to keep it. Smells fucking amazing and buds are quality. I took a pic but the fucker wouldn't focus right, then my battery died. Ill get better ones once they are dry. All buds were like this on the lemons, even the popcorn had substance:shock:

Also this is a pic of Largs when I was pissed on Sunday, its where the guy won 160 million on the euro. Prick. lol



Active Member
I wonder what the nute %'s are on the baxmix soil? Perhaps with that and the mix of bloom nutrients that are going in, there is a bit of a nute lock out, or not enough N. Pics for help assessing could be in order, it may just be the strain. Often a strain will sacrifice fan leaves if they are on a part of the plant that is not supporting a branch, used for leaching out nasties.
I was thinking that too about the batmix cos exactly the same happened with my first grow. Apparantly its suppose to have 6 weeks worth of nutes so the first time i didnt feed but the leaves did exactley the same only worse. If i dont use the same soil again what is the best soil to use? could i just use a john Innes soil from the garden shop? Oh by the way its BBC/Big Buddha Cheese.


Well-Known Member
hope every1s day is gooooooooood, fkn temps are killin me lol had 31 but dropped to steady 27 :) music any1........................................[video=youtube;p-CBheQYJjg][/video]


Well-Known Member
There is always the route that Billy is saying. coco is dead easy, and you decide what nutes they get. Again, you just need to ensure you don't build up to much nutes in the medium. But yeh, you could use John Innes, just check what the feed in the mix is, then feed according to that. Either way requires you to understand what you plant wants, which is something that will come with experience. Good luck, chuckles.


Well-Known Member
Im a kinda wing it as u go along type of guy but saying that i do understand what my plants need....
well more that the

I just mix up coco with perlite bout a 70/30 mix and pack it in. Canna coco a+b right through with a bit of pk13/14 about 4th week of flower and overdrive boost for the duration. Simple as can be