The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
On re-vegging? yes and there is a few that show you how to do it. Sorry is this not a thread for UK users? where you can get tips and advise? because i seem to be pissing you of!
No, this is not a thread for UK users, this is a thread for me and others that know the top secret codeword and the super secret handshake.

You don't know either, so fuck off!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
yeh just if you do then give em 24-36 hrs dark to reset them
where did you hear that statement above to mate? never heard that before, I would have thought that 36hrs of dark at the end of the cycle would have been a bad idea due to the plant thinking the end of it's life is looming and you want it to think the complete opposite.


Well-Known Member
I think IC3 is talking about a computer re-boot, lol.

Handshakes, bummer, should have went to that first Masonic meeting.


Well-Known Member
5 down 6 to go and i stink (in a very nice way of course lol) fucking bud rot has taken about an ounce to 1.5 so far but i should get a good pull with what's left and the rotten bud will be used to make oil with the rest of the trim i'm not going to dry the trim this time just give it a quick wash with some ISO


Well-Known Member
Ive never had bud rot .....sometimes Im glad I live in Scotland

Your buds are not big enough then Bill lol i dropped the RH down to 40% and below but it still gets started last crop it took a couple of O's and this lot will be the same i've got some huge crowns that look wicked until you grip them then they turn to shit


Well-Known Member
Your buds are not big enough then Bill lol i dropped the RH down to 40% and below but it still gets started last crop it took a couple of O's and this lot will be the same i've got some huge crowns that look wicked until you grip them then they turn to shit
getting ya trim on then 3eyes, budrot fuck that never had it m8..........


Well-Known Member
well i survived the half joint of exo whilst pissed just needed a bag of walkers crinkle crisps to even it out lol i aint holding much hope for this charas joint tho fink this will be a spewer but fuck it. night all lol


Well-Known Member
Bud rot or to give it it's proper name botrytis is a serious pain in my arse i used to get it when i grew in a cupboard upstairs and still getting it in the cellar next grow i'll invest in a bigger fan and see if that improves it

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
have u got an inlet or intake fan 3 eyes?
it only on the main cola the bud rot?u
in a tent or against a wall growing?(like a home made closet ?
if in a old big house with damp on ceiling that wood b my guess if in two differnt rooms?
or maybe a wall in house (same structure as outside wall with a slight weak point n letting in dampness or condensation??)
do u have same trouble mid summer or is it a winter thing cos wasnt that long ago it was cold as hell
or can that mold/rot not spreed to plants(is it a different kind rot)
more like knob rot like i3m has on his foot? hahaha


Active Member
No, this is not a thread for UK users, this is a thread for me and others that know the top secret codeword and the super secret handshake.

You don't know either, so fuck off!
oh go and have a puff and fucking chill!!! i thought it was only the yanks on here that had their heads up their arses????