The UK Growers Thread!

i get reasonable stuff all the time, never dipped usually dry, sometimes it can be a little on the damp side and a few too many stems but its still nice weed.

I currently have 2 female hash plants and 1 og cheese cutting 30 odd days in to veg going for 2 months veg and then bloom, no top no tie no bend just natural
WTF is that stuff they spray on green?

It makes the ash go stiff and doesn't tap off property, some kind of silicon spray maybe?
Word, I hear you there.

No one wants to deal with Criminals.... no morals..... not like us mellow stoners.
Yes Boys!
Ahhh a Uk thread...Sweet.
Got 4 WW on the go for my first 26 flower.
Bout £140-£150 for standard allthough i got lucky a few weeks ago and got an oz of dynamite WW for £150.
WTF is that stuff they spray on green?
It makes the ash go stiff and doesn't tap off property, some kind of silicon spray maybe?

Some info copied from 'Gritweed Awareness Campaign". Its everywhere in the UK, almost everyone I know has been sold a bit! Some is sprayed on before the harvest so the buds grow and disguise it to the naked eye almost. Worth a read:


The first reports of this so called gritweed in the UK dates back to Spring / Summer 2006 when a handful of localized cases were identified. Since then the supply of this contaminated "skunk" appears to have increased dramatically, infiltrating all levels of the supply chain throughout the British Isles. Regular cannabis users now report that this gritweed is predominantly the only type of herbal cannabis available to them - a situation that many feel is a direct result of the police's recent wave of crackdowns on UK based cannabis growers which has had a marked effect on both the levels and quality of supply.

Currently it seems there are four main types of contaminant grit-weeds flooding the UK market, these are:

- Large Glass Particle Contamination
- Industrial Etchant Spray Contamination
- Sugar or Sand Contamination
- Micro Contaminants (stealth grit)

Unconfirmed reports suggest that smoking cannabis that is contaminated with any of the above has been linked with complaints by users of sore mouth, mouth ulcers, chesty persistent coughs, and a tight chest lasting a few days after use.

Fortunately, identifying most of the contaminated gritweed varieties is fairly straightforward. In most cases the weed will, at a glance, look of a good standard but it will not smell very strong at all. On further inspection the gritweed may seem like it is covered in what looks like THC crystals however these could be the contaminant glass / silica particles so a more detailed examination is required.

The surest method seems to involve testing the weed by placing a very small amount in your mouth and running it over your teeth / tongue. If you feel a gritty sand like residue when you clench your teeth together then chances are you are dealing with gritweed (probably the silica or road paint contaminant variety). If you don't feel any grit-like substance between your teeth but the weed tastes very sweet (sugary) then chances are it has been dusted with sugar to bulk out the weight.
sum bagseed i started. quite old pics they are bout 1 n half ft tall now wil get sum recent 1s soon. they goin outside in sum huge pots soon


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Anti-freeze is a big "hit" with the dealers around my area. They spray it on and it apparently makes it look like it has more crystals. Fuck knows why. I remember a while back buying some weed that had powdered glass on it, I was not amused.

The only way to stop the dealers/growers here producing/selling shit weed is by not buying from them..I know a lot of us don't but mainly the dealers keep selling because little 13 years old kids will smoke anything that resembles weed!!

As far as I know nobody has been pushing for medical marijuana either. It's gone up to class B AGAIN.

Just the other day my best mates mum was arrested for possession and lost her job because of it. She had ONE spliffs worth of weed on her.(about 0.7g)

Most people would think that the police would let that kind of stuff slide.

If you are a responsible adult who enjoys smoking cannabis then the police should have no right to arrest..

They should bring in at least one law protecting the responsible people. But hey, that's never gonna happen!
haha. il be growing outdoors again this year budrain!

its shit, all i was getting for a long time was the glass shit. ive already said this on another thread on this site, but my friend thought the crystals of glass were thc crystals, and rolled a joing mostly of them. he smoked it, and for a few hours afterwards, coughed up blood!
it was sick!

we need to do an online petition just like stoney mc fried started for the USA users.

its bullshit that spliff story! thats insane! the poor woman!
yo, I was just wondering what soil you uk heads use for soil - everyone bangs on about fox farm but I can't find anywhere that sells it in the uk! cheers
i use this organic one that we get in for normal plants. but iv tried all sorts. i bought the cheapest one in asda before now, and it works great. i do millions of things with it tho if i plant it outside. seaweed powder is a great long term fert which give great results.
Well I'm down south....BUT I'm sure looking forward to seeing Shearer walk out onto that pitch as manager, cometh the hour and all that, can't wait to see the reception he gets :-) :hump:

Oh, and growing Bubba O Kush & an AK47 x called 'Needles'.

Have a good weekend all :bigjoint:.

i was devastated all afternoon i cant believe we played that poorly and had a blatant over the line goal disallowed, mind chelski were pretty poor too.

the real kick in the teeth was that watching the Man U game yesterday when the commentators stopped talking you could clearly hear the whole crowd singing Cheer up Alan Shearer,
oh what can it mean to a sad geordie b*****d and a s**te football te-aa-mmm
i was and still am gutted. :cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss:
not quite sure why im posting this but it illustrates the plight were in as uk growers...

the streets 'the irony of it all'

Thats a powerful message. Its a victimless 'crime', we grow a few plants in the privacy of our own homes as a means of social relaxation and we're persecuted endlessly...... when I was arrested last year the PC booking me in with the custody officer said "small cannabis grow, hardly crime of the century is it"....... its the politicians driving this, yet they continue to drink in thier duty free parliamentary hypocracy.

Got me going early in the mroning there G&T !! :-)

*edit* Sorry to see Newcastle lose on Saturday, hes got a lot of work to do this week.
Thats a powerful message. Its a victimless 'crime', we grow a few plants in the privacy of our own homes as a means of social relaxation and we're persecuted endlessly...... when I was arrested last year the PC booking me in with the custody officer said "small cannabis grow, hardly crime of the century is it"....... its the politicians driving this, yet they continue to drink in thier duty free parliamentary hypocracy.

Got me going early in the mroning there G&T !! :-)

*edit* Sorry to see Newcastle lose on Saturday, hes got a lot of work to do this week.

totally agree with you man its hardly like your out there kicking grannies over for their pension to feed your smack habit, it boils my piss too man.

i cant believe our government commissioned a study to find out if cannabis was harmful to individuals only to completely disregard the findings that it doesn't cause mental illness and schizophrenia and then ugprade it back to class B.

this was a knee jerk reaction to the amount of people who took it being downgraded as the oppurtunity to spark up a fatty wherever they fancied. if your going to be blatantly doing something still illegal expect to get your collar felt. stoners are so stupid sometimes. that and that MP's daughter was stabbed by a shizophrenic that admitted hed had a few joints that day. i think a little colmn A and a little column B.

now ive gone and got my self all worked up aaagh id only just calmed down from the toon losing. :cuss: think i need a j