The UK Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i`m growing with cfl`s have just over 500 true watts and well impressed with how there doing under them, there flowering well even tho its day 4 only, plenty of hairs on all 4 even the runt no.5 is flurishing, and the two clone, so should be able to supply myself for a while, as said a few joints of strong weed will do me each day so a few oz will get me to next harvest, so cloneing will take what off the whole prosess?


Well-Known Member
evening peeps.................... im telly watchin, mj smokin, kfc munchin all green n good and happy ;) hows all ;)

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
y the need for dark wen u flip back flower wen u reveg?
surely that wood confuse them more and take longer to go into veg mode. but each to own we all have r own ways, best do wot works for u i guess.


Well-Known Member
y the need for dark wen u flip back flower wen u reveg?
surely that wood confuse them more and take longer to go into veg mode. but each to own we all have r own ways, best do wot works for u i guess.
same as wen u put imto flower u 24 hr dark em its resets ther internal clock dont it,
not my thing my pal whos been growing commerically for yrs thats hsi thing and as he tought me i just do it
for teh finer help i come here as hese just a plant it and it will grow guy buiys fems wont use clones type of deal


Well-Known Member
goooooooooooooooood mornin uk.........the white has gone and the gray has landed ( sounds like lotr in reverse lols ) ;)


Well-Known Member
My RooR helps me kick start the day....Sour Cherry and bubble hash, got to get my 5 a day, or whatever the fek it is...

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
weekend for me so sobber time haha, ran out smoke but got my kids round later so i b busy enough haha.
monday i will get more unless i get stressed, then i wil treat self.
cant think if my team r playing this weekend? wonder who we can loose against today haha.
ic3 my way off thinking if it in flower mode and u give it 24 hour darkness it may think summer at an end and rush into flower harder, and as we no the longer or further in flower ,the hard or longer it takes go to veg again?
like i said tho just my way thinking.
u say bout ya foot yesterday? not good man hope it ends up being simple op and not take the foot off.
must b a right worry for ya. good luck with it all and next time if ever i hope u go hospital in 1st few days and miss out months pain and sofa sleeping. with your height u must mash up back from sofa sleeping
so on a lighter note u dont wanna b a 23 stone 6,7 foot , one footed tranny, the only one in the uk do ya hahahaha. i mean where wood u buy ya schoes from? and the dancing gigs will dry up as drag artists (so i hear ) r ment b entertaining not depressing, becos they lost there best moves and cant wrap leg round pole haha hahaha.


Well-Known Member
My RooR helps me kick start the day....Sour Cherry and bubble hash, got to get my 5 a day, or whatever the fek it is...
...........i follow that advice -1. bucket - 2. bong - 3. pipe - 4. lung - 5 vape = your 5 a day :) mmmmmmmmmmmm sour cherry ( mimics homer aaarrgggggg )

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
is the bb site having teething problems? or is my lappy on final legs as i cant click on the products to get more info. i was trying see wot breeds went into the two cherrys on the menu.
the sour looks alot more colourful in pics looks near like a cherry where the other pic not so colourful.
was just trying see which one b better for my needs and thought if im having trouble then sure others might b also.


Well-Known Member
is the bb site having teething problems? or is my lappy on final legs as i cant click on the products to get more info. i was trying see wot breeds went into the two cherrys on the menu.
the sour looks alot more colourful in pics looks near like a cherry where the other pic not so colourful.
was just trying see which one b better for my needs and thought if im having trouble then sure others might b also.
bb....... m8?


Well-Known Member
I just went through it and got onto all the relevant screen mad dog....I was using FF browser.

Let me try with IE as well.