The UK Growers Thread!

how about me have it at my place i got acrees to bury bodies on

now ur just starting for the sake of it, i dont like to get involved with keyboard warriors.

start spouting bollox about burying bodies on your Mummy & Daddies acres then we will just rip the shit out of you so much verbally that you wil be pushed over the edge and we know u americans are a sensitive bunch. I could seriously see you doing us all a favour and jumping off a bridge after shooting up a few of the people that more than likely bully you at school. so pipe down before you disturb an island race that is born to fight in any which way we can!
fab y in ya sig have u got talk trash and we will pull ya card? u back to talking bout ya self as if u r more then 1 person or as a 3rd party,? or u talking bout u and ya mod gods? ya crew fuck nuggets.
this boring me.
.................................................. ...[video=youtube;mXY3p2K-IyQ][/video]
? That wasnt a pop at you! That was me saying to newuser that if he gets started how I have seen he can then you may actually snap and do something that seems to happen an awful lot in america when kids snap! You see you just dont get our humor.

ok im on edge on how i was welcomed here most u mates seem cool and i really didnt come here to rock your boat
but i felt fucked with but walked away from thread earlier then i seen hours later me name still thrown around
i make a better friend then a enemy

ask others and that aint me being cocky yank
scary mary. wot ya gunna do?? like before u said me u my worst nightmare and u gunna dog me on riu? do it do it do it.
b a good excuse to laugh at ya pathetic threats. internet got to many kids and trolls
ok im on edge on how i was welcomed here most u mates seem cool and i really didnt come here to rock your boat
but i felt fucked with but walked away from thread earlier then i seen hours later me name still thrown around
i make a better friend then a enemy

ask others and that aint me being cocky yank

Ok so explain the last part of your post, you make a better friend than an enemy?

That is a threat to me, but just how do you think you can do me any real damage? what ruin my reputation on the boards? I only care about this thread and I get on well with everyone I want to get on with! You gonna grass me up? good luck on that one!

So what do u mean by that point of your post, how can you be a bad enemy from 000's miles away without being a grass?
...............i fookin love the clash ;)..................[video=youtube;rJkNstUF3GA][/video]
fuckin rights lad, bongo down thinking i might have a brandy chaser just for shits n giggles.

you good?

After all that shite on Sat night I went to my m8's drinking n sniffing. Took about 30 blues. Still a bit wobbly. Just going to hibernate for a few days. Im just downloading that John Carter film and I crashed out trying to Watch Game of Thrones, so ill catch that aswel. Im really surprised by one of the DOGs. Its drinking everything I give her faster than the others. She is going to need special attention. Oh Aye, no more signs of baws either. People who may be put off coz of this shouldnt. 10mins per day for first 3 weeks of flower, I reckon it will be worth it
hahaha couple of blues and a big wobbly egg staring at me too....

mrs heard my gaffer telling me i didn't have to go in and quick as a flash said 'do the hoovering if your of then' cheeky moo.

On my days off I get up to a note with a list of fucking chores!! But the mrs knows how to get me to do them by adding that if there all done when she gets home she might put out that night! Thats one way to get me to do fucking anything