this fuckin shit has ended up with potroast coming in here and fuckin removing my avatar!!! so much for the fuckin usa bill of rights eh??? where the fuckin freedom of speech or expression?? these clowns bang on about how proud they are of it ALL THE FUCKIN TIME...turns out its only ok if they happen to agree with your speech or expression....was i offending anyone in here??? trust me i dont care anyway as you all know well enuff i expect.. i mean i FUCKIN hate hippys, id build anew aushwitcz specifically for the cunts and i wouldnt pay for gas, id just beat each one to death with a fuckin hammer, christ if the fuckin world was left to there dippy fuckin ideas we'd be gettin humped by chinamen and the muslims. CHEEKY BASTARD!!
Listen boys I'm on it. Hopefully be sorted tonight. Chill
:O awsome lol my artististic prowes whone thru ther on that one i think
wer is everyone ffs
did ya get my e mail m8???
calm down boys, we got to put up with these everywhere, nothing like a good troll hunt though.
had no email pal since 12.27 i replied like? and no messages on here
lol no ive forgotton what i was gunna post?
oh dura LOL u nigger hahaha
oh yes was a comments on TTT police in ameirca pots
yes indeed its martial law over ther,over ther you get busted they pul the front of your fucking house off!lol
just told virgin to make my media package smaller
GIFT saved 30 qwid a month by loosing 100 channles i never fuckng watch! score
on another note
fukin carpet shop first fucked me out of 59 qwid now ther saying gotta be refunded in check from head office IF I COULD FUCKING WALK i had the missus hold her phone up on speaker and u may have used one or 2 expletives lol
OHCuttings need next to no light, they can just be popped in a windowsill if needs be, or just with a sidelamp next to it in a cupboard. It's only once it's rooted and growing that you need an actual grow-worthy bulb.
guna be awkward puttign a light in therpretty much. I'd go for theairing cupboard simply because of how up and down the weather has been of late, and i'd just bung any old cfl alongside it.
cataract is a grass yes and i wont be changing my sig but all the extras boys lets leave it aint worth the nicking...........