The UK Growers Thread!

Evening Fellas!

IC3 Best Avatar by a mile! Even better than duras new one :D

Hows everyone doing it seems things have calmed down a little
ok bill, i'll leave it to you but tell potplant to leave my bloody avatars alone. fuckin yanks and there so called fredom of speech, its about as truthful as there fuckin war history. clowns.
this fuckin shit has ended up with potroast coming in here and fuckin removing my avatar!!! so much for the fuckin usa bill of rights eh??? where the fuckin freedom of speech or expression?? these clowns bang on about how proud they are of it ALL THE FUCKIN TIME...turns out its only ok if they happen to agree with your speech or expression....was i offending anyone in here??? trust me i dont care anyway as you all know well enuff i expect.. i mean i FUCKIN hate hippys, id build anew aushwitcz specifically for the cunts and i wouldnt pay for gas, id just beat each one to death with a fuckin hammer, christ if the fuckin world was left to there dippy fuckin ideas we'd be gettin humped by chinamen and the muslims. CHEEKY BASTARD!!

Haha, old news, "americans" have always been full of shit when it comes to their precious constitution. Just look at guns, everyones getting all pissed off at cops raiding their houses and a martial law and cannabis being illegal and everything, yet isn't part of the point of their gun laws so that they can stand up against a tyrannical government, so that they can be free, blah de fucking blah. So what do they do when all this shit hits the fan, they don't pick up their guns and us them as they are meant to be used, they do absolute fuck all and then start crying about how the government is in violation of their precious constitution. If Obama breaches the constitution or violates someones rights as laid out in the consitution, shoot that fucking nigger.
did ya get my e mail m8???

had no email pal since 12.27 i replied like? and no messages on here

lol no ive forgotton what i was gunna post?

oh dura LOL u nigger hahaha

oh yes was a comments on TTT police in ameirca pots

yes indeed its martial law over ther,over ther you get busted they pul the front of your fucking house off!lol

just told virgin to make my media package smaller
GIFT saved 30 qwid a month by loosing 100 channles i never fuckng watch! score
on another note

fukin carpet shop first fucked me out of 59 qwid now ther saying gotta be refunded in check from head office IF I COULD FUCKING WALK i had the missus hold her phone up on speaker and u may have used one or 2 expletives lol
calm down boys, we got to put up with these everywhere, nothing like a good troll hunt though.

Thing is m8, everyone in this thread knows each other well and we dont suffer fools gladly. If someone new comes along they get a bit of a ribbin to see if they can hack it. Most do and have become part of our little community. Then u get stupid american mods that don't understand us and haven't earned an ounce of respect with any of us. Im speaking to rollie. I have a plan
had no email pal since 12.27 i replied like? and no messages on here

lol no ive forgotton what i was gunna post?

oh dura LOL u nigger hahaha

oh yes was a comments on TTT police in ameirca pots

yes indeed its martial law over ther,over ther you get busted they pul the front of your fucking house off!lol

just told virgin to make my media package smaller
GIFT saved 30 qwid a month by loosing 100 channles i never fuckng watch! score
on another note

fukin carpet shop first fucked me out of 59 qwid now ther saying gotta be refunded in check from head office IF I COULD FUCKING WALK i had the missus hold her phone up on speaker and u may have used one or 2 expletives lol

I know a couple of lads that work in their retentions department based in sheffield, ring to cancel and they will/should offer you a better deal, even better than just removing channels. My mates used to have £30 they could put onto an account as a good will gesture, i had that a few times randomly off them.
just tell them to ring fence us like escape from new york and bloody well leave us, inall the time this thread has been here the only real bit of bother has been from a known liar and rat, a cunt that has long previous of shit stirring and back stabbing. and ahm the cunt that gets his fuckin avatar removed, coz of a fuckin bullshit merchant and ah suspect sum wee poofy fucker taht ive offended, get rid o the fuckin2 of the fuckers, ah suspect it was wee wank called chrisopher that ran tae fuckinpotroast wae his complaint, so what if ahm a nazi, dont i get fuckin freedom of speech as well ??? fuckin poncy liberal wankers.
Lol, paying sky for their shitty tv channels, taken for mugs :D There was a time not too long ago when i thought hey, maybe it's worth getting sky in the flat. I went and stayed with a friend for a week or two, he had sky with all the bells and whistles, after realising that out of a few hundred channels there was absolutely fuck all worth watching, and anything that was worth watching was a 5yr old repeat that oculd be watched on yourutbe or the likes for free, well i changed my position on sky for the flat quite definitively :D
yeh its ridiculouse and even if you dont want the phone u have to pay a spcial fee not to pay line rental fukin unreal,,30mb is now the minimum and the phone had to keep the 24/7 free landline calls
so i loked online foun a deal 25 qwid i though WIKID then rang em and yes thats fine 25 pounds per month.................with addition to 15 pound line rentals....BASTARDS

lol 49.95 is better that 75 per month so atm thats guuna help sumwhat,

this threads gone nuts ffs

was hoping to take a cutting today but i think he forgot the ligt GRRRRR
Cuttings need next to no light, they can just be popped in a windowsill if needs be, or just with a sidelamp next to it in a cupboard. It's only once it's rooted and growing that you need an actual grow-worthy bulb.

Oh, and don't worry yaself about line rental, everyone has to pay it one way or another. 02 is my broadband supplier and yet i have to pay BT £15 a month line rental. I assume your line rental would be for virgins fiober optic cables. I'd hapily pay £15 line rental for 30mbs internet than £15 line rental for crappy 8mbs internet.
Cuttings need next to no light, they can just be popped in a windowsill if needs be, or just with a sidelamp next to it in a cupboard. It's only once it's rooted and growing that you need an actual grow-worthy bulb.

so take the cutting roughen the edges and put in a pot of coco with a dome over it,wer would you sujjest bathroom window wats all weird glass so u cant see through it or in a airing cupbord er its warm but dark
pretty much. I'd go for theairing cupboard simply because of how up and down the weather has been of late, and i'd just bung any old cfl alongside it.
pretty much. I'd go for theairing cupboard simply because of how up and down the weather has been of late, and i'd just bung any old cfl alongside it.
guna be awkward puttign a light in ther
how about leave a crak in the door? if i had a heat mat id use my box or maybe cover it ina duvet for the heat hmm all the choices

and the liht is a 1ft long tube 6400k only 7 watts but seems to do plants great

its ok ive a loft light u know long wire with a light on a clip to clip to ratfters ima use that with a diffrent type fo cfl bulb
hello uk ;) potted the sc to 10litres for the scrog, now for 1 month veg ;) took 8 cuts off her twins and the tange is pickin up........................vid update on the big bang soon ;)
cataract is a grass yes and i wont be changing my sig but all the extras boys lets leave it aint worth the nicking...........