The UK Growers Thread!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha mdb u jockey wots happened to big kenny lol jk aside mate i rhink they ve made a big bo bo
as for itchy fingers lol ive had em the last week lol should be a long slog this 1;-)

yo ttt anyday yiu feel the urge to come lad im sure i could put u up old boy shit im sure youd love sleepin with numbrous amounts of cheddar lad haha
honest to god man im shocked to shit. wee bit bitter bout whole thing b fair. is a massive mistake on lfc part. 3 managers in just over 3 years ent the lfc way. lost alot respect for alot the lfc supporters, used think they top supporters in world but realising 90 per cent all fans r glory seeking fools who dont understand the game. alot fans had turned on kd also which didnt help. alot facebook,twitter and forums full off anti lfc. seems no1 left at club knows anything bout footy now.esp yank owners so i hope they got a top manager lined up or we b in mid table for next 5 years easy. it starting all over again and seems make the last 18 months building seem like pointless waste time n effort.
anyways how do all
oh well not much can b done and is only footy end day.o


Well-Known Member
yeh sambo geting divvy emails of you so just change yer passowrd wen u can matey,so u choppin soon then chedz? man sooo fucking jealouse lol,id have been the same if i hadent been fucked about grr lol dying for a decent smoke,the shit round here suks ass,sprayed and whatnot,

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I thought about doing that as soon as you brought the "Dog" to market, I think I will have to do something similar to create the "Lemon Cheesecake".
A plethora of cheesecakes :D I decided to call the BRxExo Strawberry Cheesecake for no other reason than i love strawberry cheesecakes! :D Well that and it's cheese and the BR is red so i guess i can blag it :D


Well-Known Member
A plethora of cheesecakes :D I decided to call the BRxExo Strawberry Cheesecake for no other reason than i love strawberry cheesecakes! :D Well that and it's cheese and the BR is red so i guess i can blag it :D
i think the wider one of mine is the exo,summet about it just screeams exo,dunno why,eitherway gotta tie her up today,im not happy with the stability and the last thing i want is the mainstem to stap ffs,this is the life we choose,.
how is everyone?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm seething. Arranged my afternoon and evening to accomodate having who is supposed to be a best friend visit. He said he'd be there at 3:30, then i got a text saying it would be 4:30, then he phoned and said he'd be here at 5. It's now 6:20 and i'm busy come 7pm. What a fucing waste of an afternoon, have it my mind to lamp him one the disrespectful twat.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well he just phoned to say he was on his way and he'd be staying till 10-11pm or so. Told him to fuck off. Why are people such useless bloody cunts?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Oh i wouldn't doubt it for a second. Stupid fucker. It's not bloody hard to pick up the phone and say hey, i'm fighting with my gf, i'm gonna be late, instead of just fucking me around. It's his car that i possibly lost my phone in, he sais he's searched it twice but like fuck i'll take his word on it not being there. Never met someone quite so useless and unreliable. This is the same guy who is so pussy whipped he was made to adopt a stray pregnant cat, proposed to her on her 17th birthday, found out a week later she had been pregnant for quite a few weeks, and is now being forced to buy a pitt x rotty puppy. He should be shot and i say that in kindness, i think it would be for his own good.


Well-Known Member
Well he just phoned to say he was on his way and he'd be staying till 10-11pm or so. Told him to fuck off. Why are people such useless bloody cunts?
tell him to meet you somwhere, wait till he calls to see where your at and tell him you'l nt be long...............................................4 hours l8r cancel ;)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
tell him to meet you somwhere, wait till he calls to see where your at and tell him you'l nt be long...............................................4 hours l8r cancel ;)
What gose around comes around. Karma baby. I do not need to stoop to such things, he'll get his in one form or another. chances are the argument with his GF wa her telling him fuck you i never actually went to the abortion clinic today :lol: She's his fiance and outright stated to him you can either be a dad or you can be a sperm doner, your choice. Yet he doesn't peg on to hat this means about the type of person she is :D Got his mum messaging me on facebook saying she is terrified :D Can't blame her in the slightest lol. Counsellors will use them as a case study of what the fuck not to do with your life in future years :D


Well-Known Member
ss young love,shit i remember at 17 u have allsorts of brain sortorms,,,marage included lmao,but wen ur young u dont realise,til u egt older and then see how fucking stpid u r

for the love of god has anyojne got a am3 motheboard fro sale,mines going to shit,bougt 24gb in ram over past 2 months lol i guess its not the ram pmsl,i dont know y i didnt buy 4gb stiks wat a fucking douche,,so anyone?

u think hes piched ur phone then tt? if not him mate deffo his chik,did u report it missing to ur sim card people? get the fucker blacklisted,then whoever he sold it to will be PISSED,karma baby lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I use intel for the superior performance i'm afraid.

And i don't think he's nicked it at all, just think he's too stupid to actually find it sohuld it be in his car :D I got the sim blacklisted and the number swapped over. The phone also has some security stuff enabled and the moment anyone charges it up and turns it on i will be emailed it's GPS location via EMEI trace. Gonna report it missing to the police at the weekend. It's only £100 for a second hand replacment on ebay though so gonna say sod a 24 month contract and just spend a week of my rent money on one. It was afterall my landlords inability to act as a propper landlord that has put me £250 out of pocket from the previous flatmate.

I just seem to be a magnet for people fucking me over.


Well-Known Member
I use intel for the superior performance i'm afraid.

And i don't think he's nicked it at all, just think he's too stupid to actually find it sohuld it be in his car :D I got the sim blacklisted and the number swapped over. The phone also has some security stuff enabled and the moment anyone charges it up and turns it on i will be emailed it's GPS location via EMEI trace. Gonna report it missing to the police at the weekend. It's only £100 for a second hand replacment on ebay though so gonna say sod a 24 month contract and just spend a week of my rent money on one. It was afterall my landlords inability to act as a propper landlord that has put me £250 out of pocket from the previous flatmate.

I just seem to be a magnet for people fucking me over.
as uve reported it to the im card people it will autmatically get blacklisted(handset) so it cant be used in the uk, so only good use is pakis who buy em blocked and send em home,,but if u find it u can get the block lifted sono biggey,

mate i feel ya on the fucking you over part, u know wha it is? coz they take our kindness for a weakness mate,im a big lad but im soft as shitand peopl take advantage of that fat,shit i just like being nice for the sake of being nice u know,help any fucker out,but then they take the good and propper piss,so buddy felling u on that one.

n yeh im thinking of going from my quad pheonom 2 BE to intel i7 but the cpu im liking is like 900 qwid lol


Active Member
+1 in the past people take advantage of good nature, has many people take the piss, but i give everyone a chance, if they muck about its bye bye etc