The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
The problem I have is I work for a bank and walk around in a 3 piece suit. I look too professional and grown up to be offered. I don't wanna go down the medical use excuse but I do have need for it... I met my old dealer when I was at school a good 10 years ago and now it's only when I go back I can stock up...
Sorry for any bad feelings I've caused or left you with....
also i was pretty much certain random drug tests wer mandatory if you work in a bank??


Well-Known Member
how do gents and fuck nuggets
The problem I have is I work for a bank and walk around in a 3 piece suit. I look too professional and grown up to be offered. I don't wanna go down the medical use excuse but I do have need for it... I met my old dealer when I was at school a good 10 years ago and now it's only when I go back I can stock up...
Sorry for any bad feelings I've caused or left you with....
ill meet you with the weed you bring the bong deal?lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha i no i no but this a super butchers man. trust me i ent keen fish tarts but this is special shit. yeah this butchers does alot delicacies. think they buy some fishy expensive shit in too over charge the local toffs haha.
i dont mind as get them brought me.
next time i get some will throw up a piuck me cutting it n u see the fish n cheese explode it mega rich, hmmm winding self up now haha making self hungry again.
any ways exo reefer for me high ho high ho


Well-Known Member
fish is like marmite
u either love it or hate it

Baby Mice Wine

What the hell is it?
What better to wash down your gelatinous lumps of lye fish than a nice chilled cup of dead mice? What better indeed.
Baby mice wine is a traditional Chinese and Korean "health tonic," which apparently tastes like raw gasoline. Little mice, eyes still closed, are plucked from the embrace of their loving mothers and stuffed (while still alive) into a bottle of rice wine. They are left to ferment while their parents wring their tiny mouse paws in despair, tears drooping sadly from the tips of their whiskers.
Wait, it gets worse ...
Do you wince at the thought of swallowing a tequila worm? Imagine how you'd feel during a session on this bastard. Whoops, I swallowed a dead mouse! Whoops, there goes another one! Whoops, I just puked my entire body out of my nose!


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
No, fish is not like marmite IM, you're just a retard :) fish is the dinner of champions. If you're not a champion then you must surely be retarded! Me and Mad Dog are champions :) We dine at the winners table. HUZAH HUZAH HUZAH!


Well-Known Member
LOL I KNOW FISH AINT MARMITE U FUKWIT LMAOim saying its like marmite,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,u know wtf im talking abot lol im not repating it,,just tucking into a bottle of baby mouse wine,,care to share?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Winners table indeed. IM is just a sour puss.

and i know fish is not marmite, i was commenting on the notion of fish being like marmite in that you either love it or hate it. I say poppycock. You good sir are retarded. All normal peple like fish in one form or other, as such you cannot be normal and visa vis you must be retarded :)



Me and MDB are winners, here is an exmaple of a winner for future reference :)


Well-Known Member
Winners table indeed. IM is just a sour puss.

and i know fish is not marmite, i was commenting on the notion of fish being like marmite in that you either love it or hate it. I say poppycock. You good sir are retarded. All normal peple like fish in one form or other, as such you cannot be normal and visa vis you must be retarded :)


lol we are on form tonite arnet we TIP-TOP-TWAT?hehe

only fish i like is from the chippy fuck all that slimey horrible bollox,,fukin nigger neigbours fry fish eyes n all on the fucking bbq.......and they wonder y i truned down burgers of the same bbq therday NNNERRRR

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
fuck the baby mice wine. i woodnt have any if was all booze there was in world. man that is just weird. n u moan at fish? where the logic in that hahahaha


Well-Known Member
fuck the baby mice wine. i woodnt have any if was all booze there was in world. man that is just weird. n u moan at fish? where the logic in that hahahaha

lol me niether was only fucking with you sounds and looks gash imagine buying abottle and having ded mince in the bottom
Fuckin mission you pricks
LMAO u stil choppin buddy? shit ur slow should have it all dried and out by now rofl


Well-Known Member
Lmfao choppin in a way yeah u cuntin cripple haha
na lad just de stalkin the fuckers its took me 4hrs so far and there is still a load left :-( and heres me stinkin again fuck me i love it in veg hahahaha


Well-Known Member
Ow and i cant roll a burn now as my hands are sticky as fuck its a piss take the bakka just will not go and sit in the rizla for us haha


Well-Known Member
Fuck knows lad ibe still another to come down yet lmfao the lemon aint done enough for me yet maybe this week or next we ll see!!