The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
im good thanks had a good cry and a sleep feeling good and got a drink on the go ;-)...hows one's self ?
I read earlier feel for ya love, i hate not gettin no sleep i would literlly kill some fuck if i just missed a days sleep im a reet ratty cunt with out me beauty sleep lol i struggle to sleep when i need to but once im out im fuckin out. some nights i cant sleep in bed earlier tossin an turnin till like 4 then up for work at 6 ruff as fuck propa dont want to get up could sleep for hours tho if i dint have to wake so no where near as bad as you, that psycho the clone only strain does wonders for me knocks me out propa big fat spliff before bed an im out in like half hour which is fuckin very good for me still manage to look fit tho love with fuck all sleep i give you that soz sambo lmao!!.........i no its daft an i aint takin piss you ever thought of tryin hypnotism?


Well-Known Member
Na gonna do 20xcheese 10xpyschosis 2xlemon 8xgk x livers fuck it this 1s gonna be plain and simple trus me haha
Ohh ya twat i was meanin you said you was after a keeper from the blue grapes so i thought you was gunna take cuts of um all then wait till they finish up an pick best one or reveg best
thought you popped 5? or you on about ya takin cuts so you got 8? fuck me im confused lol


Well-Known Member
Ohh ya twat i was meanin you said you was after a keeper from the blue grapes so i thought you was gunna take cuts of um all then wait till they finish up an pick best one or reveg best
thought you popped 5? or you on about ya takin cuts so you got 8? fuck me im confused lol
Na lad im gonna get a male aint it so ill make sure i av 8 gk the exo has to be 20 the pyscho is 10 and to finish me off ill av 2 lemon lad im needin to sex these gk first tho so its a waitin game tbf lad why u wanna cut ??


Well-Known Member
I've been living in this village for 8 years straight + another 12 months before and still know hardly anyone but that's the way i like it after growing up in the same village for 23 years where you know everyone and everyone knows each other business as for making friends around here nah fuck um i know enough peeps and i like having that bit of mystery about me
im in that type of village now. everyone knows me. i get paranoid walking home stoned. id much rather be where no one knows me


Well-Known Member
us uker stick the gether even if we are pains,thats what makes us us,unlucky need some pics of you in my thread so ppl will hun)lollipop one was nice tho lol


Well-Known Member
I read earlier feel for ya love, i hate not gettin no sleep i would literlly kill some fuck if i just missed a days sleep im a reet ratty cunt with out me beauty sleep lol i struggle to sleep when i need to but once im out im fuckin out. some nights i cant sleep in bed earlier tossin an turnin till like 4 then up for work at 6 ruff as fuck propa dont want to get up could sleep for hours tho if i dint have to wake so no where near as bad as you, that psycho the clone only strain does wonders for me knocks me out propa big fat spliff before bed an im out in like half hour which is fuckin very good for me still manage to look fit tho love with fuck all sleep i give you that soz sambo lmao!!.........i no its daft an i aint takin piss you ever thought of tryin hypnotism?
yes the only thing that stop me doing was smoking so that was good, i just go with the flow now ive no choice and i feel its the best way i can handle it....when it gets very bad like when im over a week i just stay at home no matter what appointments i have and i don't even phone as i get pissy on the phone and start name calling can't help it but thay don't know that.......... :-/


Well-Known Member
Yo gaz we can be the most horribke cunts sometime but we donna let any cunt put on our own bro dont worry lad we gotcha back dude keep it simple bro thats all you ll need to do !!


Well-Known Member
us uker stick the gether even if we are pains,thats what makes us us,unlucky need some pics of you in my thread so ppl will hun)lollipop one was nice tho lol
lol you get one for that as you made me giggle........cheeky chops.... what pic do you want, might be better if your go back and copy it as i can't get the pics to go big like some put on here, hell i'd give you rep but i can't...its just take take take lol ;-)


Well-Known Member
Yo gaz we can be the most horribke cunts sometime but we donna let any cunt put on our own bro dont worry lad we gotcha back dude keep it simple bro thats all you ll need to do !! when...lmfao.............. we in the uk thread horrible no nay never ;-)