The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
this fucking thread is dying a death you even got fab trolling nowdays lmao we sooooo desperate for a post really!!! lol

dont worry boys and half males lol ill embarrass cheddar soon with his coco grow that should be a laugh, but tbh just been too busy to wind up and pisstake you fucktards but busy means less time smoking and more time spending so im off that shit soon! lol


New Member
this fucking thread is dying a death you even got fab trolling nowdays lmao we sooooo desperate for a post really!!! lol

dont worry boys and half males lol ill embarrass cheddar soon with his coco grow that should be a laugh, but tbh just been too busy to wind up and pisstake you fucktards but busy means less time smoking and more time spending so im off that shit soon! lol
naw i got mates here u flid


Well-Known Member
Ill let the bud do the talkin lad not long off flowerin the gkxlivers then psycho will go in to weeks afywr they go the flower room too ;-)


Well-Known Member
Ill let the bud do the talkin lad not long off flowerin the gkxlivers then psycho will go in to weeks afywr they go the flower room too ;-)
good man i was just trying to get some fucking life in the thread, hows you neway cheds? some1 said you got a lil sunburnt recently? u been away or just our 4day summer lol


Well-Known Member
naw i got mates here u flid
ic3 would talk to his own gammy foot if theres no new posts lol u aint got m8s fab you trolled around this site since you joined you trolled more threads than i can remember and to top it all your a fucking yank! either that or a illegal!


Well-Known Member
Just a 10 day break down south lad was a decent 10 days mind and unexpected weather caught me out more than once lol u got them psycho cuts taken yet? Ill be doin mine tomoz or friday then its all about the perpitual from then on ive got 5 gkxpsycho to pot up into the 6litres airpots tomoz aswell neva enough hours just wen u need em tho haha ow and i just done me exo cuts and ill try and get sum slh done by the weekend gonna be fuckin hectic the next few wks i thinks lmao


New Member
ic3 would talk to his own gammy foot if theres no new posts lol u aint got m8s fab you trolled around this site since you joined you trolled more threads than i can remember and to top it all your a fucking yank! either that or a illegal!
well his gammy foot didnt want to listen to him anymore


Well-Known Member
Just a 10 day break down south lad was a decent 10 days mind and unexpected weather caught me out more than once lol u got them psycho cuts taken yet? Ill be doin mine tomoz or friday then its all about the perpitual from then on ive got 5 gkxpsycho to pot up into the 6litres airpots tomoz aswell neva enough hours just wen u need em tho haha ow and i just done me exo cuts and ill try and get sum slh done by the weekend gonna be fuckin hectic the next few wks i thinks lmao
why ya fucking around with them untested seeds again chedz? aint ya learnt ur lesson from the black rose shite cause m8 not even being funny apart from the colour that was some gash weed, you should just stick to the clone-onlys or the slh.

i will be putting mine to flower in the next 2wks they are going under the hps from 2mora its a mix of exo n pyscho.


Well-Known Member
well his gammy foot didnt want to listen to him anymore
ur just bored fab i been watching ur shit on the site for a long time, u been blocked from all your normal threads lol

and your a fucking yank so just fucking do 1, i no you fink ic3 is ya pal but believe that northan twat will chat with ne1 when hes bored lol


Well-Known Member
why ya fucking around with them untested seeds again chedz? aint ya learnt ur lesson from the black rose shite cause m8 not even being funny apart from the colour that was some gash weed, you should just stick to the clone-onlys or the slh.

i will be putting mine to flower in the next 2wks they are going under the hps from 2mora its a mix of exo n pyscho.
Untested yes but how the fuck u gonna know wot ya got unless ya test em lmao if i find a keeper it ll be reveged and that can either be passed on or cloned to death haha the exo psycho slh aint goin n e were lad i know were my bread is buttered and tbh if i was gonna keep 1 it would av to be the cheese as the smell and flavour is the upmost importance round here fuck knows why but stone does nt play those 2 very well !! As for the black rose its a party peice at best ill not say any more than that other than it does nt compare to any other cannabis ive smoked and that includes purple haze which i found was gash;-) id love to get me a clone of the shiva that was grew in late 90s gotta be 1 of the most nicest laid back smokes of my time :-)


Well-Known Member
i carnt be arsed fab i really carnt like i say i seen you cause enough shit on this site on many a thread maybe the uk thread is the best place for ya at least no1 will actually listen to your shit in hear lol


New Member
i carnt be arsed fab i really carnt like i say i seen you cause enough shit on this site on many a thread maybe the uk thread is the best place for ya at least no1 will actually listen to your shit in hear lol

im everywhere
just asking me to leave is a invite


New Member
i carnt be arsed fab i really carnt like i say i seen you cause enough shit on this site on many a thread maybe the uk thread is the best place for ya at least no1 will actually listen to your shit in hear lol
you seem to be or u wouldnt be replying

i will be back


Well-Known Member
Sambo lad how you think the clone onlys were made there all crosses down the line mate.
can see you in 10 year still bangin on about the clone onlys an every other fuckers got new tastier an stronger cuts lol


Well-Known Member
Sambo lad how you think the clone onlys were made there all crosses down the line mate.
can see you in 10 year still bangin on about the clone onlys an every other fuckers got new tastier an stronger cuts lol
bring em on pukka bring em on, unless cured ive yet to find any better or smoke any better, but like ive said many many times some lovely seed strains out there tastey as fuck stinky as ne clone-only (if grown/dried right) just takes a 6-8wk cure lol

i had to edit the tastey part taking in to consideration you will be growing it lmao