The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Dinny go drinnking wae DST........he get u mashed on 196 different malts and lets u smoke pure grass joints, then allows u to enter the real world. Sure can make a mean lasangue tho. Really fucking good infact. Im thinking about October fest. You and mrs dst fancy a jollly. Minus the absurd amounts of jungle juice


Well-Known Member
Sounds good lad. Always up for a jolly and never done the October Fest before. I'd be up for driving over from the Dam (can take some green then, hahaha). Trains are a nightmare for popo and Dog's.


Well-Known Member
Dinny go drinnking wae DST........he get u mashed on 196 different malts and lets u smoke pure grass joints, then allows u to enter the real world. Sure can make a mean lasangue tho. Really fucking good infact. Im thinking about October fest. You and mrs dst fancy a jollly. Minus the absurd amounts of jungle juice
mate ima propper lightwate as i dont ddrink unless pressurd lol,, seriously after that lot id be FUCKED! like on my bak whiteying fucked


Well-Known Member
Cant drink and smoke anymore or im proper fucked, one or other for me now lol. Dont drink much anyway these days, single malt every now and again and thats it. Bacon sarnie and a cuppa then its off to water my bitches.


Well-Known Member
I dont really drink so when my mate came up with a q of sniff and a few dottles o bucky i was fucked a good wee change but think ll stick to ma bow lol,


Well-Known Member
You talking Buckfast lol, brings back some memories, My best mate is from NI, introduced me to this stuff back in the day hahaha, many a nite got wankered and into scrapes drinking this mad stuff. Nice tho lol.


Well-Known Member
yep same my mate that came to see me fro the west brought the best cha lol the buckfast fuck fast brought back the memmos likes


Well-Known Member
shit man i get 3 joints out of a gramme, these purwe weed joints and shot would fuk me up!! a day out on the piss would end being a hr and im DONE!

backatacha jimmy lad
Been thinking of cutting out the fags now altogether, so ill be on the pure joints soon if my will power holds that is. Aint smoked pure for years, probably gonna fuck me right up.


Well-Known Member
Gotta chop tonight, its a big bitch so not really looking forward to it up for good few hours and already knackered lmao. I hate harvest, enjoyed it once but now its a friggin chore. Hope theres something on the box worth watching.