The UK Growers Thread!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
about £160-£180 if its good.hope that helps dragon
cheers mate does help, i don't have a lot of faith in the genes to be honest doesn't seem like really good stuff to me it looks the part though luckily lol i only picked them up for my first run got serious seeds chronic vegging now for the second run, it's about the same prices we have down here mate


Well-Known Member
cheers mate does help, i don't have a lot of faith in the genes to be honest doesn't seem like really good stuff to me it looks the part though luckily lol i only picked them up for my first run got serious seeds chronic vegging now for the second run, it's about the same prices we have down here mate
We pay £45 a Q mate and it doesn't change the more you buy so its working out at £210 for an oz which is a bloody rip off but if it's all you can get then its gonny sell. The stuff we get is usually good gear but it's not bloody ASDA canny take it back if it aint up to


Well-Known Member
any body got prices for thai stick? im supposed to be gettin a load but ive never dealt with it b4 so ive no pricing idea yet, i dont even know what i'm payin for it yet.


Well-Known Member
LMAO Brilliant, are you just a walking talking joke book?
ive got a very dark and sad sense of humour so i trawl the net all day lookin for jokes, and i get a load from my mates via text and sumtime i'll make sum up myself. i come from a family of joke tellers its a kinda genetic thing, btw i dont post all the jokes i get coz i dont personally know the people on here , a lot of them are EXCEPTIONALLY racist and/or very sick. i will laff at almost anything. its the only thing that keeps me sane mate.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
An elderly couple are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary one morning
when the wife says "My nipples are as hot for you today, as they were when we first met"
to which the husband replies "Course they are, ones in the tea and the others in your porridge!"


Well-Known Member
any body got prices for thai stick? im supposed to be gettin a load but ive never dealt with it b4 so ive no pricing idea yet, i dont even know what i'm payin for it yet.
Well hopefully its not like the thai stick I got recently. The guy offered it to me for £30 a 1/4 £45 a 1/2 and £60 an oz. he gave me a bit for a few joints to try it out before I bought any. It was shiiiite!!

The worst smoke i've ever had without a word of a lie. It tasted and smelled terrible and gave off a horrible rancid smoke. It didn't get me in the slightest bit high either. So I told him it was shit and never bought any off him.

As far as I know he still has half a bar of it left and he got it two months ago.

I'd stay well clear unless you can try it first mate.

ive got a very dark and sad sense of humour so i trawl the net all day lookin for jokes, and i get a load from my mates via text and sumtime i'll make sum up myself. i come from a family of joke tellers its a kinda genetic thing, btw i dont post all the jokes i get coz i dont personally know the people on here , a lot of them are EXCEPTIONALLY racist and/or very sick. i will laff at almost anything. its the only thing that keeps me sane mate.:bigjoint:
I wouldn't be offended if I received the occasional very sick or racist joke via PM ;)

I'm not racist, I hate everybody equally. When it comes to jokes I don't think you can be racist as its a joke and not meant to be taken seriously however I know there are lots of very touchy people out there.


Active Member
yeah dragon i dnt know what its like but it sells like hotcakes down here,every1 loves it.
im using it 4 my first grow but hope to progress onto something like northern lights


Well-Known Member
My girlfriend and I went to a restaurant for dinner. It was a nice meal and we were ordering dessert.

I asked the waiter how much the pie was.

"£3.14 sir," he replied.

"That's funny," I chuckled.

"What's that sir?" He asked.

"That Down's syndrome boy just tried to hug a heater and burnt himself."

We both had a good laugh.


Well-Known Member
I had a hot sex with my my wife's best friend last night. I now have third degree burns on my penis, But I still insist that cooker looked human after 13 pints.


Well-Known Member
Speedy ur my new seed bank won't be ordering for couple weeks though I won't a haze, kush an Apollo 11 the haze I was looking for is called s5 haze really nice can't seem to find it nowhere. have u grew or smoke barneys 8 ball kush the pic looks nice I need to have a proper look threw ya site an see wat takes my fancy. Cheers mate


Well-Known Member
Speedy ur my new seed bank won't be ordering for couple weeks though I won't a haze, kush an Apollo 11 the haze I was looking for is called s5 haze really nice can't seem to find it nowhere. have u grew or smoke barneys 8 ball kush the pic looks nice I need to have a proper look threw ya site an see wat takes my fancy. Cheers mate
we've got apollo 13 bx from tga, the violator kush is pretty good and barneys amnesia lemon contains amnesia haze.