The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
cummon TT ya knob lets bitch!! subjexct plz??? 9/11,,, it was obviously orchestarted by president bush,,, do u agree?
Lol, that clutz couldnt tie his own shoe laces :D IU'm just taking it easy in preparation for tomorrow. Not really looking forward to this job in any way at all but gotta get me some money and need to get me some experience so i will do as i must :)


Well-Known Member
I would always take my exo at 9-10 weeks. But no, certainly doesn't need it. Loved the exo for just that, from 7 weeks you're good to go really. I've never grown to sell so i've always just chopped when i think they look nice and done, and i tend to wait till they take my fancy which is normally later than sooner as i tend to have a jar of something to smoke while i wait.

Nowt going on for me tonight, just watched men in black 3, just watching some how i met your mother before bed. Work was put off for this evening so i can be in early tomorrow to sort out lots of canapes for an event. FUN..
fuck the work and fuck men in black gotta be up for 6 in the mornin but the fuckin krays are on ya posh cunt lol bad film must of watched it 1000s of times haha was about 6 wen i first watched it with arkid and we used to scrap in the middle of the mothers livinroom until 1 of us drawed blood lol needless to say the 1 who made the cut
got the belt or the horse whip!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, i've always loved those films. Just looked at the imdb for the krays and it looks well worth a watch. Only time i've ever brawled was at school, spent 3 years living with a chinese friend. We'ed get up at 2 in the morning and just start boxing, fighting, mma, whatever you'd call it, only rule being you can't go for the face, other than that it was just fight till one of you calls quits. Some brutal times. Best thing i learnt from that is if you're gonna hit someone, don't prance around like a poof, just charge straight at them arms flailing :D Ent fuck all they can really do to you once you're that close, then you break out the old headbut and fuck em up :) I'm about as timid and quiet as they come but put me in a situation and i generally know how to deal with it.. That or i take the complete polar route and stand there not laying a finger on em and just keep laughing, that drives em fucking nuts, well worth the bruising :D It seems to be a method that works really well with a girls angry ex :D


Well-Known Member
Wasnt expecting to get my head bitten off I read it wrong I grow indoors soil hps if I (flip) I thought flowering ! I give ten weeks no need for the harsh judgemental comments man p.s also I grow and am growing very well healthy good yelding plants

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Folk like to bite peoples heads off in this thread. It's kinda an unwritten rule that even the moderator don't try and broach :D They jut get told to leave this thread alone by the site owner :D


Well-Known Member
Wtf this place is gettin proper fucked up by newbs lol u either love em or hate em well i fuckin hate em as they just cannot get tge jist of this place haha