The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Just given me ladies there first ever dose of ripen, im interested to see the difference now. Ten days or so on this stuff and we should be good to chop. Might germ me some beans later, just gotta choose which ones...


Well-Known Member
3-4 a plant under a 400 sounds awesome. My first 2 grows where plants under a 600 and i only got 1.5 each. When i changed to coco on my last grow i got just under 3 a plant but i only had 4 plants under the 600. Im doing something wrong lol. It could have just been a shit yeilding strain, DP white widow on the first and last grow. I run it again the second time to see the difference with coco and air pots. I hope these white russians do better this time but ive only given them 1 week of veg but i needed them done for xmas


Well-Known Member
3-4 a plant under a 400 sounds awesome. My first 2 grows where plants under a 600 and i only got 1.5 each. When i changed to coco on my last grow i got just under 3 a plant but i only had 4 plants under the 600. Im doing something wrong lol. It could have just been a shit yeilding strain, DP white widow on the first and last grow. I run it again the second time to see the difference with coco and air pots. I hope these white russians do better this time but ive only given them 1 week of veg but i needed them done for xmas

yeh im the same went from hydro to coco BUT its all about gentics,, u can have the best plasma lighting with the greatest nutes but if the genetics are shite,, ur fucked. simple as

im hoing fora good one this tim, wat with the 10 litre aitpots and coco with the EXO should be sexy,, i may add my 300 watt hps from week 7 maybe get sum extra wattage in the room

dunnow hat the PE yeilds like so on this i have no clue,


Well-Known Member
If you are lucky enough to get 1 gram per watt of light a 400w bulb would yield 400 grams which is 3.5-4 ounces per on 4 plants


Well-Known Member
Took the words outta me mouth mate, don't matter how many plants you got its how much light an space, could have 10 in there yieldin 1.5 each an end up same.


Well-Known Member
they say a average grower gets what? 3/4 to 1 ooz per and a GOOD grower gets what 1oz and better get more? supose its the enviroment and what not,, but gentics again will only yeild wat ther gunna yeild we just help em along, stil be a long veg for 2 oz + per plant

so i should be expecting 600 grammes at least? thats what? 3.5 ounce a plant?


Well-Known Member
Mate las's lemon an I'm sure many other strains will get you 4oz with a week or so veg no bother an what about the 12/12 fs peeps they pull some daft numbers out.


Well-Known Member
Mate las's lemon an I'm sure many other strains will get you 4oz with a week or so veg no bother an what about the 12/12 fs peeps they pull some daft numbers out.
Only run the lemon once and i got 8.5oz with a 4an odd wk veg and thats with leavin plenty of bud/popcorn on her as i wanted to reveg the bitch i reckon my pot restricted her as she was only in a 6ltre airpot ;-) just imagine the bitch in a 10ltre fucker with same veg fuck it would b proper scary i reckon it could easily hit 12-14 oz with her with a 4 wk veg and some nice lsting and supercroppin !!

Wots all upto??


Well-Known Member
i get anywhere between 2 and 6 per plant it all depends on how they grow and if they suffer any problems during flower


Well-Known Member
Ic3 them exo u posted pics off, ur get roughly 1-2oz a piece dunno bout the pe tho never grown it, in answer to your email was half winding ya up half not, they are small for the length of time u had them and tiny in comparison to mine which I potted a week later.

But with no filter u wouldn't have wanted them no bigger ur struggle as it is with smell.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
they say a average grower gets what? 3/4 to 1 ooz per and a GOOD grower gets what 1oz and better get more? supose its the enviroment and what not,, but gentics again will only yeild wat ther gunna yeild we just help em along, stil be a long veg for 2 oz + per plant
Dunno where you got your info from. That or i'm just a phenominal grower from the get go. First grow i did was 4 different strains under a 400w, each plant got well over 2 ounces (each yielded a 1.5L mason jar of bud) and that was with 4 weeks of veg from sprouting. An ounce a plant is absolutely nothing.


Well-Known Member
Dunno where you got your info from. That or i'm just a phenominal grower from the get go. First grow i did was 4 different strains under a 400w, each plant got well over 2 ounces (each yielded a 1.5L mason jar of bud) and that was with 4 weeks of veg from sprouting. An ounce a plant is absolutely nothing.
well this is fiorst grow ive actually done a veg, 14 days, so maybe im just going on past results,, but also i dont pay as much attention to my shit like u lot do,, they get watered and light,, the rooms the correct temperature,, job done

u lot do a lot of shit tho and pay much more attention,, i guess if i wasent as fucked i i wuold too, but i am and i cant, plus i have no interest in taking real good care and fucking arounbd with them untill i move house,, to paranoid here to be investing time and love into them,

so at 600 g i should get 3.5 per plant so lets see wat happens.. but also saying that all ive done before has been shit,not grade by any means, so that may be a issue also


Active Member
stll cant see 3-4 0z per plant sepc of sumthing untried and tested and in normal pots? good luck buddy keep us updated, il be interested to see if u pull what u think u will of a 400,, i use a 600 with 6 plnats so 100 watta a plant lets compare, i flipped on saturday,,chec my sig them pictures are from days 1 flower after 13 day veg and 48 hrs darkness,, seems i was over waetring em giving them a yellwoing of leaves and after the 48hrs dark,, got rid of the yellow leaves and looked healthy as fuck :) wowozer

this baby was grown under a 400w just under 4z on there, but that was a clone i got from a friend this time round its from seed hence the long vegg will try and keep you guys updated


Well-Known Member
How you al doing lads . ! School boy error made already on this grow been vegging for about 3 weeks now and noticed very slow growth its been doing my nut in plants looks fine .So i took the problem to work been thinking about it for a while and then it clicked something i had missed which i was sapposed to do and completly forgot buy a fuckin.g mh bulb been using a hps .! can someone hook me up with the las lemon please guys how many weeks she taking to finish ?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
well this is fiorst grow ive actually done a veg, 14 days, so maybe im just going on past results,, but also i dont pay as much attention to my shit like u lot do,, they get watered and light,, the rooms the correct temperature,, job done

u lot do a lot of shit tho and pay much more attention,, i guess if i wasent as fucked i i wuold too, but i am and i cant, plus i have no interest in taking real good care and fucking arounbd with them untill i move house,, to paranoid here to be investing time and love into them,

so at 600 g i should get 3.5 per plant so lets see wat happens.. but also saying that all ive done before has been shit,not grade by any means, so that may be a issue also
Well you do more than i ever did then. I never bothered checking temp or humidity. I am the essense of a lazy ass grower. I used to check mine once a week.


Well-Known Member
6 exo 8day into 12/12
Mines 9 day in 12/12 m8, be interesting to see when there ready to finish, I don't think there's any chance that I could pull any at week 7 in these wilma pots, I've never had a strain finish on time in them, they always seem to take an extra week or so. I hope I can pull at week 8 but I reckon they'll have to go 9 but well see