The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Yeah right!! I'm 30 and she doesn't even know I smoke. I just can't bring my self to smoke a cig in front if her! It's either respect or fear that drives that, I like to say respect lol.


Well-Known Member
Yh I'm gonna have to give them a shot. They get good reviews from everyone. Bet their a fucked to water tho eh?
i use a jug and DID get water everyware,but ive learned to water slowley aqnd round the plant and they hardley leek as you can see 2 not even on trays.. gunna be my xmas moeny this,, so hopefully il get a good whack,, im still unsure which the PE is lol knew i shudda marked the pot


Well-Known Member
From the lad from Sheffield that gave the BB lads the clone. His mate is on board with the guy, Livers, Blues, or whatever his name is. So it was basically 1 degree away from the original clone.

where did you get that info DST ? im getting told his initails are A L but not L for livers as thats his nickname

​your lush chunks ;-) help over the livers meanie....... hhmmm


Well-Known Member

​your lush chunks ;-) help over the livers meanie....... hhmmm [/QUOTE]

you wouldnt want my help with the livers unlucky, each time i grew her i had problems.

is deffo some of the stinkiest,tastiest weed ya can get but imo is pretty weak stonewise.

the pic with the 3 plants the livers is on the left, thats roughly day 45-50 was a while ago now, and the 2 big plants are both livers but they certainly didnt look that healthy when i chopped em.



Well-Known Member
Glad i neva run with the fuckers now lol looks like to much popcorn for me sambo id neva cut it all off and just waste it by throwin it in a black bag or garden bin lmfao!! The gkxblues on the other hand are fuck all like it but got a nice smelly pheno outta em but the bud structure is big and dense even thw popcorn seems to carry some weight the cola u see on this fucker is a gkxblues View attachment 2377429


Well-Known Member
I find the livers produces mostly rock solid bud and not as much fluff as Exo....I feel the effect is diiferent as well.


Well-Known Member
I find the livers produces mostly rock solid bud and not as much fluff as Exo....I feel the effect is diiferent as well.
av no way to compair but if your gettin fluff on exo somethin is amiss dst do you lollipop them? I clear out bottom 1/3 unless i run a wk veg an flip em to 12/12 then you should nt be gettin any popcorn unless you ve not enough light or are'nt gettin the light close enough to the budding area !! i find that pk13/14 does'nt get the buds as hard as hammerhead does aswell so the pk could be a factor also!! The pics that sambo posted look a baw ache to trim wen its ready lol obviously they are nt finished and cant reall say as i dont know how far along they are but exo is more compact and looks to be the stronger plant of the livers.Will get round to tryin it shortly but not lookin forward to it if it looks as it does from those pics ;-)


Well-Known Member
I grow vertically and tend not to chop too much from the bottom as the lights spreads across them. The bottom flowers are still lfuffy though. Compare that to the DOG, all the bottom nugs are solid. I don't use sboosters. All organic over here.


Well-Known Member
they aint very well grown livers chedz them pics m8, like i say i always had problems with her that i dont get with the exo.

im even thinkin of ditching the exo and just growing something from seed nuffing fancy just a strain that dont stink and still looks half decent, im growing in a flat me growroom is 10ft away from the communal area power cut and im fucked! especially with 25-30oz of exo lol


Well-Known Member
I grow vertically and tend not to chop too much from the bottom as the lights spreads across them. The bottom flowers are still lfuffy though. Compare that to the DOG, all the bottom nugs are solid. I don't use sboosters. All organic over here.
i do find the exo produces dense nug more so towards the tops dst like i said the nugs on the bottom1/3 get lobbed of wk2-3 so i aint gettin that tbh mate as u say could just be a trait in the genes bro but doin as i do helps out largely to the tops advantage imo

they aint very well grown livers chedz them pics m8, like i say i always had problems with her that i dont get with the exo.

im even thinkin of ditching the exo and just growing something from seed nuffing fancy just a strain that dont stink and still looks half decent, im growing in a flat me growroom is 10ft away from the communal area power cut and im fucked! especially with 25-30oz of exo lol
lol gettin all paro and that sambs lol try doin it in a shed lol were the house backs on to other houses lmao we av about 40 houses in a oval in a 80metre stretch lad on more than 1 occassion ive been runnin about like a mad cunt cus the fuse has blew on the extension leads lol


Well-Known Member
What post? the one with the hydro system in it? Looks good to me Avidgrower.

And TT, that's what I thought. The wietpass is effectively still going ahead but it's highly unlikely that it will, considering the towns/cities where they tested have found it to be a really bad idea (namely Maastricht - where the Mayor has already said they are scrapping the weitpass).

Saying that though, they may still have some stupid rule whereby you need to show you are a resident. I am not 100% yet, it's all up in the air, but I think High Times suck for saying it in their flyer. I also saw another travel agent banging on about it, saying this is the last chance, etc, etc....we shall see though.

Let's put it this way, I wouldn't put any weight to what American companies are saying about the Dutch law, lol.


Well-Known Member

lol no not liverston and its a yes to calling it livers in sheff 4sure ;-)
I'll get in touch we me old footy mates a few from that end of town no Mr livers.... , I'm tellin you it's somethin like liverston, I had this same conversation with oscar a old user sure it's luv I'm from Sheff an like I said NO fucker calls it livers in Sheff now days not even his boys or peeps from his end of town lol

From the lad from Sheffield that gave the BB lads the clone. His mate is on board with the guy, Livers, Blues, or whatever his name is. So it was basically 1 degree away from the original clone.
What you sayin D the livers cut you lot got is not original it's a cross?....think my cut I had was from 1 you know.....

I find the livers produces mostly rock solid bud and not as much fluff as Exo....I feel the effect is diiferent as well.
I agree always was the hardest nugs outta the 3 c's I did last the 1 I flowered in a 1 ltr airport had the hardest nugs outta any plant I've done.
I reckon you need to let it go 10weeks to get the strength but still a nice high tho