The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
and i try not to smoke,, i got a infection of that once,, and with my leg likei t is dont need that!! my immune systems fucked enough atm tyvm


Well-Known Member
Hate dentists me, the physical pain I can deal with, the pain to the wallet, I cant.

I need some implants done, fuck me, the price he quoted me! Outrageous! 1500 a tooth!


Well-Known Member
and i try not to smoke,, i got a infection of that once,, and with my leg likei t is dont need that!! my immune systems fucked enough atm tyvm
Yeah, I suppose having had it you would be a hell of a lot more bothered than me. I've heard its painful as fuck n all.


Well-Known Member
Anyone near Southampton with contacts I'm there next week with work . Cheds will back me up met the guy and his workers many of times lmao. So I'm no copper lol. Cheers lads .


Well-Known Member
just been to denstis for a new patent apointment,, starte yanked 2 teeth out,, inever knew that private denstsis dont use the numbiong cream bfore they inject,, OOOWWW,,, the roof of the mouth was worse than anything dident even feel the side ones talking like a downey now ffs no smoking for 24 hrs either :(
My dentist just sticks the needle in lol, had a tooth out myself, not nice especially with all that cotton wool shit they shove in ya gob


Well-Known Member
My dentist just sticks the needle in lol, had a tooth out myself, not nice especially with all that cotton wool shit they shove in ya gob
yeh im sat here now mouth full of bloody spit and a big fukoff cotton wool thing,, cant belive how easy he got m out,, i only ever been to nhs training denstist before today and they put this numbing gel beofre the jabs but they didsnt the worse was the roof of the mouth,

you jimmy can u tell by any of my pics wich the PE is,, its bugging fuck outa me m8,loving the hood btw fuking even without extraction its taken my room temps down :) bloody awsome

getting one of these

gunna run BOTH extractors on on filter,, hopefully it will bring my temp down that 1 or 2 degrees,IF i need it if not gunna have 1 extractor suking the light and the carbon filter,, eitherway its a go int it/?
do the extractors use lots of juice or not?


Well-Known Member
Should be pretty easy to tell exo from the PE IC3 mate but you will soon know lol, next time you stick up pics i'll ave a butchers. That 5" extractor will use fuck all juice mate. Old pic from a cab i made too see how i had mine setup, you can swap the filter around if ya like and have it by the fan, so suck or blow the choice is yours mate its what works best with the space you have.



Well-Known Member
ok looks like 12 afgahn kush autos are next for me! a guy has pussied out on a grow and there gettin thrown my way for free, so fuck it ima give it a go.
think im gonna chop my bitches down this weekend lookin not far frome done now.