The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
lol, ive got spell check you muppet and of course the bloody grammars good, im at university studying enlglish. i did write that myself, you cant do the old cut n paste at uni coz the fuckers WILL catch you!!
a scit studying english,, look buddy i know us brots are cool and everything but we simply have no room for scots,, pakis and niggers yes come on down but scots,, im afraid we gotta draw the line somewer u know,


Well-Known Member
llol fuck off you mutant. tbh its really you that needs to study english coz drawing lines is probably the only thing you can do with a pen.


Well-Known Member
tent? me use a tent? lol na i can keep it under control glad i had the carbon filter to be honest, a few candles round the house the smells gone,, airwick auto srays work well, spray out wen sum1 walks past,
the drys gunna be worse, ima just gaffa tape the door and every crack i can find the measuremenets im working with no way could i get a tent that shape :(

just got bak from xmas lights in town been put onm what a load of shit, spent more in the fair lol
im not saying your using a tent but even in your grow room with an extractor fan running you should have negative pressure in there stopping the smell getting out


Well-Known Member
llol fuck off you mutant. tbh its really you that needs to study english coz drawing lines is probably the only thing you can do with a pen.
i have trouble drawing lines bruv let alone anything else :) and im yorskhire not english

im not saying your using a tent but even in your grow room with an extractor fan running you should have negative pressure in there stopping the smell getting out
yeh all fair enough if my room was sealed, its more of a closet mate, its nrly sealed of just need summor door strips and fill a few old holes in the celing from od hanging points, the smell dont really get out that much if im honest, could be 50x worse if iwas using a whole bedroom for instance, would not be cool, i totally understand why user is saying hes had enough of them cozz the smell is ridiculouse,, wen it comes to drying ima just gaffa tape the door closed i think, and just leave it for the 7 days, as hard as it will be not to pop my headin im gunna have to resist temptation and not

anyone watched the sweeney yet? gunna watch it tonite loks gr8

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
IC3 giving dura jip on his syntax and dura writing prose arguing about the finer points of drunkeness. am i in the right place or is this an alternative reality. hang on i'll check my wallet. naaah i'm still skint this is reality :(


Well-Known Member
i will be plucking my "ice creme" and "creme caramel" tonight, will put pic or 3 up b4 i pull. mmmmm yummy .


Well-Known Member
i will be plucking my "ice creme" and "creme caramel" tonight, will put pic or 3 up b4 i pull. mmmmm yummy .
Always wanted to try something caramel, had my eye on caramelicious for a while, would still like to give it a go sometime.

im choppin the psycho I have in a scrogg tonite, 8 weeks yesterday, gave it ripen for a week, could let it go another week but I need the room to grow out an exo and psycho for more cuts. There's an exo in the scrogg to but won't get much worth of it but there will be a lot for some bubble hash


Well-Known Member
Always wanted to try something caramel, had my eye on caramelicious for a while, would still like to give it a go sometime.

im choppin the psycho I have in a scrogg tonite, 8 weeks yesterday, gave it ripen for a week, could let it go another week but I need the room to grow out an exo and psycho for more cuts. There's an exo in the scrogg to but won't get much worth of it but there will be a lot for some bubble hash
There nice & easy to grow, twas in soil using full hesi range,wont get much over 1.5 oz but growing in shed with everything agin me !, check back later for pics . starting new grow now using coco & airpots.


Active Member
that vid is funny, they look like a bunch of crack addicts lol. a bit of mandy for the friday night sounds good aint done that stuff for ages! would love to get some acid again aint seen the stuff for years

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
been bumping some classics too. [video=youtube_share;m2P7WMEUkuo][/video]
mandy before works finished has upped the tempo of the office music i do admint.

there's acid around still, fucked a couple of my friends up last week. i can't touch it anymore for fear of well everything.


Active Member
u crazy man u lol mandy at work??? fuck me ur boss must be a relaxed man, ive got an image of a mini rave going on in ur office lol i havent seen acid round these ways for well over 10yrs, get mushies every now and then but they got nothing on a good trip. what do u pay for them up toon sides don ??

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
my pal was trying to shift sheets of a ton for 5. in the end he took a few n gave the lad 70 back.

and yeah he's a relaxed type ;) besides we'll be in the pub in a half hour.
