The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Does no-one else think that Adolf is prolly was her name...unlucky? Annoying, whoever it all her trademarks...


Well-Known Member
Does no-one else think that Adolf is prolly was her name...unlucky? Annoying, whoever it all her trademarks...
Well after all the shit thats kicked off in here over the last year my money would be on either Kevin Murphy or Cataract at a guess


Well-Known Member
what u think of the pics m8? i was sayin before bout givin them two weeks on ripen now, a week might do them, the exo looks near ready to me but the psychos behind.........decisions decisions


Well-Known Member
what u think of the pics m8? i was sayin before bout givin them two weeks on ripen now, a week might do them, the exo looks near ready to me but the psychos behind.........decisions decisions
i think they look abit packed in mg, but buds looking nice and knowing the strain i no with a ripen the exo needs 8 and the pyscho 9, ideal to let them both go a extra week but with a ripen the exo 8 the pyscho 9 your have no complaints.


Well-Known Member
i think they look abit packed in mg, but buds looking nice and knowing the strain i no with a ripen the exo needs 8 and the pyscho 9, ideal to let them both go a extra week but with a ripen the exo 8 the pyscho 9 your have no complaints.
a bit packed in lol, i cant even get to the fuckin pots to check the drippers are workin but in sayin that alls goin ok so far. goina be a load of popcorn too cos cant get too trim or anything. cant even get to the timer any more. def goina try keep them smaller next time but its fuckin hard in the wilma.

yeah has to be both at 8 or both at 9 unfortunatly. probly best let them both go 9 then and thats two weeks ripen at that

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
cheers all, I'm trimming as we speak ! there 70 day in flower today. Rock solid bud, doesn't look much ,but its heavy & smells a bit like some base i had a few months back !.

So then you sling a nug on some tinfoil on the top of the radiator so you can have a blunt when you've finished. ;)


Well-Known Member
i was thinking of leaving my EXO till week 7 before the ripen, one plant is pocorn for sure lol u can still see the main stem up the top main cola one is behnid the rest, im just waiting for my first brown to start my the looks masterbator is that week ahead with first brown, im getting ther lol

the PE is such a sweet smell it actually goes kinda nice with the EXO smell makes is smell sorta lush but unloess u got both growing u wouldnt undertsand

id say adolf is kevin spunkie or sambo!!lmao