The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
to be honest the plants are lookin really good. this is only my 2nd shot at coco and ive been feedin almost every day, just a litre, the 1st shot wasnt great but that was down to me treatin it like a soil grow and only watering when the pot was dry, ive since realised thats not what it requires. the ph thing was more out of curiosity although like most things after you realise it does have an impact then you do tend to be more careful of it. im gonna keep an eye on it and i'll know how relevant it was when i chop and weigh.


Well-Known Member
Lol you lads and ya PH runoff, i say bollox to that when in coco dont make one bit of difference. Theres hundreds of guys all saying the same thing about coco, ph is all over the place when it comes to runoff thats soemthing to do with the coco itself effecting the reading of the run off and not giving you a true reading. Mines been like that and me plants are fine, only check the runoff if things are going wrong up top otherwise leave it. No point in getting all scientific and shit, keep it simple, it works for every fucker i see in coco and their plants are fine.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Is it fuck ya cunt lol

What am I wrong about mate? An you always knock me ya twat you still got a hard on for me from last time plus you no im easly wound up lol........if dura fed at 5.8 then yeh mate I'll hold me hands up I did get wrong end of stick but I'm sure he dint bother so 6.2 so .2 ain't bad is it? An that's a serious Q lol an if he is way out how does he fix it an what's the cause of it?
Shit mate pay attention to your own posts.
  • teach us all you great knowledge instead of knocking us when were wrong that's what winds me with you mate

I'm not knocking you or trying to find an argument, it's your perception mate. Slow down and chill out, you wind yourself up, lol!

He is watering at 5.8, lad's just bought himself a shiny new PH pen.

We had a whole discussion the other day with Jimmy about 0.1 PH being 10 times more/less acidic/alkaline because of the scale used.

So if the medium is supposed to be 5.8 but it's actually 6.2 then yes that's very bad, it's 40x more acidic than it should be.

If you look at this chart (the most comprehensive I have found).......

View attachment 2410466 shows that at a PH of 6.2 in hydro (coco) then only Nitrogen, Magnesium and Sulphur are being uptaken by the plant and Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc have been locked out completely causing more problems.

The cause is not paying attention to proper PH, the solution is to adjust what you put in so that it 'neutralises' what's in the medium.

It's the same principle as making a child drink milk after it has swallowed bleach, the milk neutralises the bleach.


Well-Known Member
Shit mate pay attention to your own posts.
  • teach us all you great knowledge instead of knocking us when were wrong that's what winds me with you mate

I'm not knocking you or trying to find an argument, it's your perception mate. Slow down and chill out, you wind yourself up, lol!

He is watering at 5.8, lad's just bought himself a shiny new PH pen.

We had a whole discussion the other day with Jimmy about 0.1 PH being 10 times more/less acidic/alkaline because of the scale used.

So if the medium is supposed to be 5.8 but it's actually 6.2 then yes that's very bad, it's 40x more acidic than it should be.

If you look at this chart (the most comprehensive I have found).......

View attachment 2410466 shows that at a PH of 6.2 in hydro (coco) then only Nitrogen, Magnesium and Sulphur are being uptaken by the plant and Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc have been locked out completely causing more problems.

The cause is not paying attention to proper PH, the solution is to adjust what you put in so that it 'neutralises' what's in the medium.

It's the same principle as making a child drink milk after it has swallowed bleach, the milk neutralises the bleach.
Not knocking ya yorky cos I'm not gettin into another argument lol but canna won't say 5.5-6.2 is good if it wernt. Coco is kinda hydro mate so the rules are slightly diff more like soil ph


Well-Known Member
I cant really find any info on coco really, not good solid info anyway that i would be happy to say i trust. When i was first in coco i checked my runoff and it wasnt what i was putting in so did a quick google and noticed every coco grower was saying more or less the same thing, their run off wasnt what they had expected. I really dont think it matters much in coco, as long as its going in right then thats all that matters as the coco will effect the runoff from what little info ive found on the subject. It seems to work, my girls are taking in all the nutes they need, never a problem so i dont check it anymore like most of the guys in coco.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Coco can't affect the PH, it's an inert medium.

The reason it changes is because of the plant using Nitrogen ions like the info I posted earlier says.

You're supposed to adjust the PH of your feed water in order to try and keep the medium PH what it should be.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Not knocking ya yorky cos I'm not gettin into another argument lol but canna won't say 5.5-6.2 is good if it wernt. Coco is kinda hydro mate so the rules are slightly diff more like soil ph
Sorry mate but fuck what Canna say's, these charts have been worked on long before Canna came along. They were originally invented for corn crops and then cannabis growers tweaked them through 30+ years of trial and error.

Coco IS hydro, the definition of 'Hydroponic' is "Without soil".


Well-Known Member
Coco can't affect the PH, it's an inert medium.

The reason it changes is because of the plant using Nitrogen ions like the info I posted earlier says.

You're supposed to adjust the PH of your feed water in order to try and keep the medium PH what it should be.
Yorky mate that's where ya goin wrong the medium ph ain't the runoff ph. To check ya coco ph you have to take some coco out mix with water an test that there's a guide on here and on cannas website tellin you how to do it. Your run off could be way out but ya actual coco spot on mate

See ya in abit pal


Well-Known Member
Fuck me come back on to see if anything interesting has happend and I see you two bitching about ph problems and testing run off and shit I've gone back 6-7 pages and your still rumbling on lol fuck me lads I'm sure there are other threads to worry about that shit . Keep it simple growing is simple aslong as you keep it simple . Don't test ph run off in coco SIMPLE pointless for soo many reasons . Come on lads stop bitching about shit . Anyway how you all doing ? was in manchester last night for radio 1 xtra live good show enjoyed . Thought I was in pakistan coming out of picadilly but that's another story . Anybody eard from Cheds or is he still off the radar ?


Well-Known Member
if your saying your ph goes up wen the water warms up i take it u mean a bucketfreshly filled and wen it warms up it chages yes? well actually u shouldnt feed with cold water fresh from tap,spec this time of yr wen its even colder,, nect time fill the bucket and leave it a few hours bfore adding ur shit then chek,, parantly it can shock your plants to colda water

easy rolla na herd fuk all from him,, and i need to talk to the dodgy cunt!.. no asner to his phone nowt. bet hes fucked off again


Well-Known Member
That's exactly what I've always thought an been told jimmy.
Yeah mate seems to be what most coco guys are saying, i mean its on every canna forum about run off in coco being outa whack. I would love to know exactly whats going on in there but like i say finding good info on it isnt easy so if it aint broke dont fix it is the way i look at it.


Well-Known Member
im not trying to cause any shit but from what ive read ph goes up by a factor of 10 every 1 not 0.1 so it would be 4% higher. and salt build up is a cause of ph problems aswell as other things stated by yorky. not watering untill you get run off can cause salts to build up. the ph of the coco could be 5.8 until nearly the bottom of the po imo. as long as it goes in at 5.8 im happy :-D


Well-Known Member
if your saying your ph goes up wen the water warms up i take it u mean a bucketfreshly filled and wen it warms up it chages yes? well actually u shouldnt feed with cold water fresh from tap,spec this time of yr wen its even colder,, nect time fill the bucket and leave it a few hours bfore adding ur shit then chek,, parantly it can shock your plants to colda water

easy rolla na herd fuk all from him,, and i need to talk to the dodgy cunt!.. no asner to his phone nowt. bet hes fucked off again
Yeah water temp will effect PH as will alot of other things. And cold water will shock ya plants if its too cold.


Well-Known Member
Hmm strange that with cheds . I've read thread after thread about ph run off and ph in coco with run off it just can't be done there is an awnser out I've read about it loads of times but its Wednesday night and I simply can't be assed looking through threads about it ph just bores the shit out of me .


Well-Known Member
aint been on much recently, mg is right tho im always lurking lol

whats this duras got a ph pen??? fuck off next up your be telling me hes drying his gear properly lol.