The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
its from seed mate and i noticed the same thing last run. one or 2 plants were dense while the others were light as fuck lol. it was the first one to show signs of sex tho so fingers crossed they'll all bulk up like her :-D


Well-Known Member
ive just been up to mine, the PE is id say 20% orange hairs just, one exo is benhin dthe rest sligtely not as dence but i know she will catch up


Well-Known Member
i hope the other sort themselfs out because they're coming down a week today lol. theres always something that makes me chop them down a week early


Well-Known Member
fuck me its like a jimmy saville youth club in here...where are ye all ya cunts
lol its been dead in here for about a week,, infact more than dead, lol,, guess eevryones busy getting wat they can from ther last few weeks before the chop,

mrt resist temtation m8,, i wont pull untill least 50-60% orange hairs


Well-Known Member
lol its been dead in here for about a week,, infact more than dead, lol,, guess eevryones busy getting wat they can from ther last few weeks before the chop,

mrt resist temtation m8,, i wont pull untill least 50-60% orange hairs

is that a reference tae the sort of birds you go for?


Well-Known Member
its not temptation mate. i got those people coming to do my windows. they've already measured. they had to do it from the outside tho cos i wasnt going to open the door to the fuckers. the best one is about 40% brown hairs tho mate


Well-Known Member
its not temptation mate. i got those people coming to do my windows. they've already measured. they had to do it from the outside tho cos i wasnt going to open the door to the fuckers
yeh lol they no reason to be in to measure,, i thought u had sorted that out? me,, i dont have to worry they can do anythign in my house and im golden :P lol

anyways yeh thoughtu had rang em? tell em not till after xmas, i would lol

took me nrly a yr to blag a new door, never mind windows, now parantly the councils have got government funding for the double glazing, but we got them old wooden ones wat swing out from top to bottom, real chew cant have blinds up or owt or the winders wont open


Well-Known Member
yeh lol they no reason to be in to measure,, i thought u had sorted that out? me,, i dont have to worry they can do anythign in my house and im golden :P lol

anyways yeh thoughtu had rang em? tell em not till after xmas, i would lol

took me nrly a yr to blag a new door, never mind windows, now parantly the councils have got government funding for the double glazing, but we got them old wooden ones wat swing out from top to bottom, real chew cant have blinds up or owt or the winders wont open
we did phone them and thats when they said if no ones in they'll measure from outside. but next friday is 9 weeks, i would have liked to give them another week because they were a week later showing sex than usually because of the 1 week veg. if i chop them down next week i can give them a week dry and get the windows in before xmas. these windows are shit, when its windy out the curtains blow even tho the windows are closed lol. they'll be putting that insulation on the outside of the walls after the windows go in so it should kepp the house warmer too. we've had double glazing since the 80s down here lol


Well-Known Member
we did phone them and thats when they said if no ones in they'll measure from outside. but next friday is 9 weeks, i would have liked to give them another week because they were a week later showing sex than usually because of the 1 week veg. if i chop them down next week i can give them a week dry and get the windows in before xmas. these windows are shit, when its windy out the curtains blow even tho the windows are closed lol. they'll be putting that insulation on the outside of the walls after the windows go in so it should kepp the house warmer too. we've had double glazing since the 80s down here lol
actually u cant say ur going on holiday coz we all u know "U AIN GETTIN ON NO PLANE!!"


Well-Known Member
what a fuckin day........1 and 3/4 hours ona bus to get to glasgow, missed the return by 5 mins and had to wait another hour, it was fuckin 15 mins late and then a 2 hour return coz it was rushhour.................4 week 6 hours and 18 mins to i get my licence back and ah swear tae fuck ahm never gettin on another fuckin stinkin sweaty fuckin peasant carrier again. ye can stick public transport up yer fuckin arse.
​you have a way with words like no other............. ;-)