The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
heas tlkaing pink bellends bruv!! u need to go to the school of hardkocks!

u say january yorkie? il say ul be ready in june
Born in Beeston Live in Bradford, you don't get many harder knocks! Dura's probably the exception!

Silly sod, june! They're starting to form colas (well, the big one) and it'll be 2 weeks in on tuesday. Told you, mad skills me. lol


Well-Known Member
​@ icm, how do i jail break my ipad2... can you tell me so i know what the fookle your going on about, i am blonde
go to settings/general/about and tell me wat software version ur runing, be like 5.1 5.01. 6.0 watever tell me that and il hook u up

Born in Beeston Live in Bradford, you don't get many harder knocks! Dura's probably the exception!

Silly sod, june! They're starting to form colas (well, the big one) and it'll be 2 weeks in on tuesday. Told you, mad skills me. lol
well i must say your the most prim an dporpper beestonite ive ever met,, thats a bad estate so ive been told so FUK that


Well-Known Member
lol to fucking rite

Mg what you feeding at the min? I noticed like last couple of weeks when I drop the base nutes an using just the boost or whatever the plants start drinking less you just on ripen?
im just on ripen now,, i got sum sexy crispy leaves too[/QUOTE]

ive just been toping up with ripen m8, but ther was some bloom and boost still left in the tank, bein a lazy bastard I neva emptied it before I filled