The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Well your return has certainly dropped the paranoia level in here a bit lol, fair few ppl got the old love tap to the front door while you were gone lol


Well-Known Member
i know matey!! how bads that,, that 10 gramme wet ounces for 200 for him from now on. lol

Ic3 I've got an iphone4 that's blocked, you can have it if you want. Its in a drawer gathering dust anyway


Well-Known Member
It's only a bog standard i4. But sure you can have mate
mate could be a 3 its to get all the baby pics bak from like 40 backups i got, then our littlen can use it for a pod and keep of the wifes phone, shes only nrly 3 and can use iphones well good!
ul get sorted on harvest matey, :wink:

rimmer,, did that land orite?

YORKIE U CUNT! u did it again


Well-Known Member
Running around getting ready for Xmas. I really need to start earlier next year lol. Last Friday the social workers turned up at my door, they saidThey were here to take my kids off us coz we got busted!!! Fucking arseholes. ... they never took them, thank god!


Well-Known Member
Running around getting ready for Xmas. I really need to start earlier next year lol. Last Friday the social workers turned up at my door, they saidThey were here to take my kids off us coz we got busted!!! Fucking arseholes. ... they never took them, thank god!
scare taktix matey, ther fucking horrible,, its only weed ffs not like u had a meth lab,, thats the coppers that reporting u for no good reason other than tyo be dunts

im nrly done with xmas,luckily i spent my harvest money very sensibly, and just got another 600 in the bank so that finishes xmas of for good thank fuk! ima start early myself from now on


Well-Known Member
That's exactly what it was m8. The police put a terrible report into them. Coz they expected to find more than they did lol. I've got the last laugh anyway :)


Well-Known Member
That's exactly what it was m8. The police put a terrible report into them. Coz they expected to find more than they did lol. I've got the last laugh anyway :)
was it a case of the plod ebing nice to you face then being cunts behind your bak? your rite for sure ther all pissed coz they dident find a 90 plant grow

ther fucking priks, i had it with a bloke on the phone reporting me coz our eldest stopped crying all of a sudden?!!! like wtf man fucking horroble people


Well-Known Member
I grew up not far from you mate, the drug squad in that area are a bunch of cunts, always have been. And traditionally it has always been a growing county as well. They had chopper operations checking attics when I was there back in the 80's ffs They stripped me in a flat when I was 17 year old, standing fukking starkers with a load of coppers wanting to look up my batty and to have a goose at my bawsack...... IT DOES NOT MAKE ANY ECONOMICAL SENSE TO BUST PEOPLE WHO END UP PAYING FINES OF 200-300 GBP!" That doesn't even cover the cost of the Judge to sit on his backside and pass judgement. Then get the social work involved...yet more expense. Like the Government have got wads of cash to be wasting, fukking sickening mate.


Well-Known Member
I grew up not far from you mate, the drug squad in that area are a bunch of cunts, always have been. And traditionally it has always been a growing county as well. They had chopper operations checking attics when I was there back in the 80's ffs They stripped me in a flat when I was 17 year old, standing fukking starkers with a load of coppers wanting to look up my batty and to have a goose at my bawsack...... IT DOES NOT MAKE ANY ECONOMICAL SENSE TO BUST PEOPLE WHO END UP PAYING FINES OF 200-300 GBP!" That doesn't even cover the cost of the Judge to sit on his backside and pass judgement. Then get the social work involved...yet more expense. Like the Government have got wads of cash to be wasting, fukking sickening mate.
well said dst,ffs closetg thats well shit their at it trying to put the shitters u yi