Well-Known Member
Morning spunk bubbles....
Happy fucking xmas found out on the 12th I failed a medical so losing 500 a month until i can put in a appeal at the decision and off course that also means me flat aint getting paid for aswel.
Then today get a letter from some baliffs about that fine I got when I kicked off on the plane back from SA I thought I signed sumfing at the court to have em take it straight from me benefits but think cause of this failing the medical that's stopped n its been passed over to baliffs.
Think its different ballifs cause its a court fine says they can force entry under the DVCV act? That's all I cunting need with 6 in flower n 30 odd clones there's!
Bailiffs, if issued with a court warrant CAN smash your door down and forceably take your goods and regularly do, whats this DVCV thing your on about?
That dvcv fing is just qouted on the end of the sentance that says they are able to force entry sae.
And yeah m8 its a court warrant.
Fucking CUNTS!
Bailiffs, if issued with a court warrant CAN smash your door down and forceably take your goods and regularly do
That dvcv fing is just qouted on the end of the sentance that says they are able to force entry sae.
And yeah m8 its a court warrant.
Fucking CUNTS!
Then today get a letter from some baliffs about that fine I got when I kicked off on the plane back from SA I thought I signed sumfing at the court to have em take it straight from me benefits but think cause of this failing the medical that's stopped n its been passed over to baliffs
That's what it is a distress warrant from a unpaid court fine, so seems they are able to force entry from what u boys have said.
Gonna ring court on monday and see why it wasn't taken straight from me sick benefits? But think it has something to do wit failing the medical.
Hoping like said mrt that they will let me pay something silly a week cause if not am fucked!
If you offer to pay mate you'll be right as rain, they can't just come round out of the blue and put your door in like coppers do.
Or even better Sambo....
Make contact with an offer to pay but change your details on their system as well (you may have to put it in writing as well), tell them you don't reside at that property any more and give them a new address (parents, girlfriend, mate).
They then won't come looking for you at the grow house.
Already done that m8 I rang em this morning n said that's just a ex gfs address and I gave them a different address but when I said bout the court was spose to take it out me benefits he said to ring court monday and find out what's gone on and then to ring back.