DOGS CAN'T SMELL, you heard it here on the UK thread, it must be fact. lmao. Ok then IC3. Obviously a handler has to direct a dog, and if it can't sniff drugs through a parcel/envelope then it probably isn't a dog, lol.
LOOK, wen i lived and was dealing scag,, i was busted numerouse times and they never found shit,
also wen u go thru jail u get sniffed, at at 25+ sentences and remands under my belt i reckobn i know what im talking about,
also they do use sniffers at royal mail and at the mail depot from them cumming in the country,, they just throw a load of mail out on the floor and get the dog to walk over sniffing, so if its packed corectly ul be fine its only random unless u been snithced
so dst enough of the piss taking, just coz i spell like shit that does not mean i dont know shit