The UK Growers Thread!

yorkie, it's simple, split with your missus. (not split split, just get a pad of your own) it's a pain the first 3 months til you crop the bumper then your laughing.

mine disappeared back to her folks while i kicked it up a notch to the 2x2m tent. magic man, half bachelor half live in gf. tent full of plants. musta been 50-60 veg included. if the worse happens with the big red key, she's going to get a conspiracy charge for knowing it's there. and you'd best have all the receipts for your tellies etc ;)

I'm gonna get this 2.4m tent up in a few weeks and rent a cheap gaff (apartment block) in the city centre off the back of that for a bit.

The missus doesn't realise I'm getting a bigger tent yet, I've dropped it into conversation several times over the last year but I don't think the penny has dropped yet.
I'm going to get my tent delivered while she's on a day shift at work and sling it in the garage, then go get my cousin from Leeds. Down the single tent, put the double up in it's place and take the single to his house.

Once it's up it's up, she'll have to deal with it. Same amount of plants agreed, just bigger.
Once I've got another gaff sorted I'm on it, we'll see some action then.
I'm gonna get this 2.4m tent up in a few weeks and rent a cheap gaff (apartment block) in the city centre off the back of that for a bit.

The missus doesn't realise I'm getting a bigger tent yet, I've dropped it into conversation several times over the last year but I don't think the penny has dropped yet.
I'm going to get my tent delivered while she's on a day shift at work and sling it in the garage, then go get my cousin from Leeds. Down the single tent, put the double up in it's place and take the single to his house.

Once it's up it's up, she'll have to deal with it. Same amount of plants agreed, just bigger.
Once I've got another gaff sorted I'm on it, we'll see some action then.

lol im in same boat mate, u know wat my missus is like lol fucking nuts,
I was just wondering how many plants is it easy to grow with out making it a high rik of getting raided, does anyone use a grow tent here?

most do, its not amount of plants its light and extraction,not done properly ur fucked, just stik to 1k or under, and dont attach extraction duct to a outside pipe ul be fine, so 9 under 1k
I posted that info on Triacontanol in a thread on another site about 2 months ago, the guy who's ebay listing it was (the guy I bought my Triacontanol from) has sent an email to the admin of the site threatening to take them to court over copyright infringement unless I link his PGR website where he publishes the same info!

Silly bastard doesn't realise his info is bad which is why it's debunked in my thread, if he'd have read it.
I was just wondering how many plants is it easy to grow with out making it a high risk of getting raided, does anyone use a grow tent here?

Keep yourself disconnected from the grow site, keep your distribution points clean, ditch the phone regular and you can be big-time golden for years.
Im not trying to be a dealer. there's me and 2 others who live in a house (students) because we live so fr away from where we used to live we can't get hold of any so need to grow
Im not trying to be a dealer. there's me and 2 others who live in a house (students) because we live so fr away from where we used to live we can't get hold of any so need to grow

For it to be bigger than a wardrobe it would have to be at least a 1m square tent, get your tape measure out and think about it properly mate because my 1.2m takes up half a bedroom nearly.

If you get caught in England the new guidelines are at LESS THAN 9 plants so that means you're getting the same time for 2 plants as you are for the 8.
So you might as well make it worth getting caught for.......
If 3 students in 1 house all smoke pot then on 1g of good bud per day (each) you'd need to be cropping 9oz dry every 3 months, which is manageable off 3 plants under a 600w in a 1m square by a first timer with advice but certainly not by a first timer in a wardrobe with no advice and no couple of hundred sheets to spend on kit.

The more sophisticated the set up, the more bullets for the prosecution's gun.

Get yer tool kit out lad!......;)
Im moving into a closet, might be another week till i can flower, dont wanna flower in the tent, too para bout light leaks as im going 12/12 with lights off during the day.
fuk me all this parra bowt light leaks, in we all try to mimmik nature as much as possible yeh? well with that in mins in nature is is totally pitch 1000% black? no it isent, so what im saying is a slight light leak wont hurt at all,

and yorkie your maths is rite at that amount every 3 moon BUT ther more u got the more u smoke, so i dont think it will last that long with that in mind