The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Good on the guy!!!! I'm getting more and more interested in the 'freeman' every day. Del is the magna carta and freeman claim, only a claim that can be done in england. I can't find anything on scottish freemen


Well-Known Member
Good on the guy!!!! I'm getting more and more interested in the 'freeman' every day. Del is the magna carta and freeman claim, only a claim that can be done in england. I can't find anything on scottish freemen
magna carta covers england and wales m8 it cant be applied in scotland ;)


Well-Known Member
Good on the guy!!!! I'm getting more and more interested in the 'freeman' every day. Del is the magna carta and freeman claim, only a claim that can be done in england. I can't find anything on scottish freemen
besides that m8 did you see how the scottish tret the last free man lol ;)



Well-Known Member
So i'm fucked then, I can't claim my right as a freeman on the land? How do countrys like canada and new zeland do it then mate?
The Magna Carta, while originally a British document, does still influence Canada although not directly. The document as originally written was a great influence to constitutional law and it formed the basis to British law. Since for the most part Canadian law has grown from British Law and British Common Law roots, the Magna Carta has by default carried on in spirit to current day Canadian law ;)


Well-Known Member
It's still an interesting subject. Makes me think though, Are the governments so eager to prove at that evolution brought us here. That way then all and any laws and stuff that have been sworn by the presence of god, would then be void? If they prove that there is no god


Well-Known Member
It's still an interesting subject. Makes me think though, Are the governments so eager to prove at that evolution brought us here. That way then all and any laws and stuff that have been sworn by the presence of god, would then be void? If they prove that there is no god
lol oh no not darwinism, look up forbidden arcaeology and out of place artifacts it tells a whole different story ;) i cant deny the existance of the one true source m8 but to understand that you have to go back 30.7 billion years. big bang energy = god - that from were all came ;)


Well-Known Member
AARRGGHHH, Watching this morning and they are debating chinese style censorship on the web here in the UK, Next it will be regulated tv/radio. Fucking communisim on the horizon


Well-Known Member
AARRGGHHH, Watching this morning and they are debating chinese style censorship on the web, Next it will be regulated tv/radio. Fucking communisim on the horizon
lol a great philosopher once said ( cant remember who ) "the problem with not taking part in politics is you end up getting ruled by your inferiors" ;)