The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
it may be the angle of the pic m8 but 3 of them are about a day behind the rest in growth but i have ways of slowing them down for the others to catch up. hopefully gunna leave them 28 days and get done what i need to in between ( topping,pinching/sc cropping & net training ) but wel see what the girls say to me ;)
Should have some good size plants for flowering then pal, with your 1st run of critical were they all from seed ya?
will be trying some of the said techniques on my 4 new ladies, they're from seed tho so will have to wait a while. i normally just let the plants do their thing but i think its bout time i push the yields up!


Well-Known Member
Coco jiffy pellets soaked in a half strength mix of rhiz an calmag works wonders for cuts fuck all yellowing an roots 6-10 days had 100% success rate like that have only done about 70 cuts that way mind....


Well-Known Member
Should have some good size plants for flowering then pal, with your 1st run of critical were they all from seed ya?
will be trying some of the said techniques on my 4 new ladies, they're from seed tho so will have to wait a while. i normally just let the plants do their thing but i think its bout time i push the yields up!
it came from a seed once over m8 lol but i just pick the best looking clones from clones of clones lol training is good once you crack it ;)


Well-Known Member
afternoon cunts. day 49 today!! week 3 of pk,, lovely,

how is everyone this shitty easter sunday? just been to a pub,memorial thing and i shit u not the entire criminal elemant ofmy town was ther lmao


Well-Known Member
afternoon cunts. day 49 today!! week 3 of pk,, lovely,

how is everyone this shitty easter sunday? just been to a pub,memorial thing and i shit u not the entire criminal elemant ofmy town was ther lmao
Happy Easter Ice Man. im just about to have a cake , so its spastic on-a-stick time for me !


Well-Known Member
lol,, we went to this memorial for this dead dude they all parise yet they forget he was a orrible cunt smack dealer:? anwyays good afternoon, bottle of wkd and a pint of stella £6.45.. fuking madness,
they had cakes on sticks n allsorts,, kids on one, feel knackered, il put it down to the hour sleep we lost,haha

anwyas fuk it,, shit to do plants to water,


Well-Known Member
i ve bin hittin the vaporizer all day, cracked open the claret and decided it was a realy gud idea to repot a plant that is 4 weeks flower, it jus needed constant feeding through stretch even tho its in a 7 gallon (28l?) smart pot wiv home made supersoil...never seen such a greedy bastard...never repotted,fuked, during flower either..luckily it went smoothe and now sits in rich soil in a 49l smart pot with 2 sub base airlines...hope she likes it


Well-Known Member
lol,, we went to this memorial for this dead dude they all parise yet they forget he was a orrible cunt smack dealer:? anwyays good afternoon, bottle of wkd and a pint of stella £6.45.. fuking madness,
they had cakes on sticks n allsorts,, kids on one, feel knackered, il put it down to the hour sleep we lost,haha

anwyas fuk it,, shit to do plants to water,

Its a busy old life when u got kids an that ain't it I was rushin round like a cunt this morning running me ak down the stairs in to the bathroom before the kids get up to flush it so they dont see it lol sweat on at 8 in the morning not good ;-)


Well-Known Member
@ indikat whhooof I bet that was a bit tricky lol good job u pulled it off matey ghats a nice big old home for the roots they gonna love it ;-)


Well-Known Member
@ indikat whhooof I bet that was a bit tricky lol good job u pulled it off matey ghats a nice big old home for the roots they gonna love it ;-)
thanks man, this is the first plant that i have mainlined so maybe that explains it, I give my plants min 2 months veg and only use organic supersoil plus biobizz deffo wouldnt rec repotting in flower but I like experimenting wen high, prolly fucked it temporarirly as some say u dont wanna grow roots in flower, but ah say fuk it lets see what happens ...rules man who needs em


Well-Known Member
Yeh man I'm sure you'll be fine I've put more coco in the bottom of the pots in flower once but only a week or 2 into it and they were fine. In know what u mean about experimenting when ya stoned lol I do it all the time


Well-Known Member
Yeh man I'm sure you'll be fine I've put more coco in the bottom of the pots in flower once but only a week or 2 into it and they were fine. In know what u mean about experimenting when ya stoned lol I do it all the time
Deffo man and i m sure gettin really high helps in the decision making and the seeing of the BS, herb farming is the fukin nuts wdyt?