The UK Growers Thread!

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
looks like a fucked up version of tin tin .
bit like bart simpson meets tin tin and the fonz
fukin hell tin tin aint seen that in years ur right tho
think ima google an see if i can find out who im thinkin ov - when ur flowerin an 8 week strain do you count the day you change to 12/12 or the day it shows sex as the first day


Well-Known Member
i dont follow a week/time thing, i harvest when i think its time mate, i use a handheld 'scope to check trichomes along with just general 'look' of the plant.

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
he,s off doug funnie on nickelodeon, new i recognised it used to watch it with the ex,s kids

ye i know wot u mean bout the trich,s but iv got sum bag seed that are supposed to take 7 - 9 weeks an i cahged my light cycle nearly 3 weeks ago so im tryin to work out roughly when they should be ready so i can put another 3 into flower 3 weeks before these finish
i should be ok tho if thay take longer than i thought it will only be an extra week or so


Well-Known Member
chop a high up side bud and fast dry it in the oven, if it blows yer nut then u know its ready, it all a guessin game as far as i'm concerned and its a bit of what ur lookin for, further in the more the couch lock effect. imo its just doin it when YOU think its rite.


Well-Known Member
I was stood at the urinal when a black guy stood next to me.

I turned to him and said, "I fucking hate you black bastards!"

He looked at me, obviously hurt, and said, "Why? I'm a human being just like you. I have a family, I have a job, I pay tax. Why let stereotypes dictate how you treat people? Why so much hatred for someone that you don't even know?"

Then he looked down at my cock and said, "Oh... fair enough, mate."


Well-Known Member
As my mother-in-law crossed the road, a car hit her, knocking her to the ground.

Luckily, the truck behind completed the job.

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
ye i see wot ur sayin but i suppose im just gonna have to guess when i think thay have about 3 weeks left before there ready so i can change the light cycle on my second batch as ideally i want the2nd batch 3-4 weeks into flower when the first ones come down

im guessin with u still up you ended up takin that speed lol !!!
im off anyway m8 c ya oh ye try pure oj for ur cum down tomorow i find the vit c helps sumtimes :)


Well-Known Member
So I just watched that deaf porn video my friend told me about.

Am I the only one thinking that surely deaf people shouldn't talk like that?

She sounds like my girlfriend when I don't wash the dishes and I'm trying to watch TV.


Well-Known Member
ye i see wot ur sayin but i suppose im just gonna have to guess when i think thay have about 3 weeks left before there ready so i can change the light cycle on my second batch as ideally i want the2nd batch 3-4 weeks into flower when the first ones come down

im guessin with u still up you ended up takin that speed lol !!!
im off anyway m8 c ya oh ye try pure oj for ur cum down tomorow i find the vit c helps sumtimes :)
lol, yeah i did, only bout a half g but i'm fuckin wide awake. tomorrow's gonna be a fuckin grim day.


Well-Known Member
hey lord heres a question. just lookin at ur signature, the second sentence "mj is an herb ..." why is it 'an herb' and not 'a herb'? is it because many english people cant actually pronounce the letter 'h' in its proper form i.e 'aithch' as opposed to 'haithch'...sorry, im speeding rite now and my heads a little wired!!


Well-Known Member
lol, i apreciate sex. but i'm gettin old and she's gettin chubby...don't think my old skeleton could cope with the pressure.