The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Nowt like a good shite :)
What's the difference between a good shite & a good shag? you dont have to cuddle a shite for 20mins afterwards.
its ok peoples panic over lol that last dash that i thought would be a spew was actually a huge shit, feeling loads better now spew,food,shit cleansed.....


Well-Known Member
Sounds ruff m8, nothing worse than the toothache. My m8 has really bad teeth, got 11 pulled out in the one day lol, think he's only got about 4 real teeth left and he still gets bother with abscesses every few months, he says he's goin to get the rest pulled out te fuck. Any time I had the toothache I always got pain killers called something like tylites or something, they always done the job, tho to a man of your caliber sambo there'd probly be like smarties to you lol
it is rough mg, they have tried taking the fucker out twice but each time after the max injections u are allowed was still shit loads of pain and couldnt do it, second time i was left with me whole left side of me face totally numb for 6hrs! i told the cunt he aint doing that again n i wana be put out for it so am waiting for the hosp to make contact n go get it done.

ive had a few teeth out and few fillings but dunno what it is, especially after that numb face for 6hr ive developed a proper fear of the dentist now was gonna order a load of benzos if they wasnt gonna put me asleep for it lol

that parcel still says being progressed through the network lol no letter yet? is the new address ok? things getting through? im taking clones again in the next few days.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
codeine on a bad belly is almost as daft as boozing on antibio's you looper. have a spliff n sit doon for an hour.

toothache is fuckin naughty, that and back pain are probably as bad as it gets for pain you can't ignore


Well-Known Member
codeine on a bad belly is almost as daft as boozing on antibio's you looper. have a spliff n sit doon for an hour.

toothache is fuckin naughty, that and back pain are probably as bad as it gets for pain you can't ignore
the codeine i no m8, i carnt take them unless ive just eaten but i didnt really expect it with the antibio's fuck i felt rough this morning lol ive never really been 1 for weed as a painkiller not that i dont beleive it just never really used it meself like that, but got some long cured well grown critical mass when the tooth 1st started and in 19yrs of smoking dope 1st time i truely felt its painkilling side, the cm was heavy couchlock and really did help but soon ran out lol


Well-Known Member
it is rough mg, they have tried taking the fucker out twice but each time after the max injections u are allowed was still shit loads of pain and couldnt do it, second time i was left with me whole left side of me face totally numb for 6hrs! i told the cunt he aint doing that again n i wana be put out for it so am waiting for the hosp to make contact n go get it done.

ive had a few teeth out and few fillings but dunno what it is, especially after that numb face for 6hr ive developed a proper fear of the dentist now was gonna order a load of benzos if they wasnt gonna put me asleep for it lol

that parcel still says being progressed through the network lol no letter yet? is the new address ok? things getting through? im taking clones again in the next few days.
No letters yet m8 lol, the new addys all good, had a few things thru the door. So couple of weeks time well try again, I'm just gettin this exo and psychosis back tonite, set everything up yesterday for them so a couple of weeks and they'll be flying then I'm back at it and can't fuckin wait lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye it's funny I was explaining to my lass just this morning, she's getting chronic pain in her shoulders, long story short they took her off the steroids for her asthma and now she's getting pains every time she breaths deep. she didn't want to take the codeines i was offering as she thought they'd fuck her up for uni. if you take em recreationally they'll spin you out but if you r in pain it just takes the edge off.

I'm with you though I've never used weed for painkilling properties.


Well-Known Member
im taking 30mg codeine phosphate and not together but co-codemol the 30mg 1s tho, both where prescribed for bad pain not mine, child-birth and chrons disease but like ya say don all they do is take the edge off i dont really find em very good painkillers, give me some oxycontin any day lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i've not tried oxy's, you like m they must be good though haha. if it wasn't toothache I'd suggest getting a load of mandy. last thing you want is grinding ya gums


Well-Known Member
i've not tried oxy's, you like m they must be good though haha. if it wasn't toothache I'd suggest getting a load of mandy. last thing you want is grinding ya gums
lmao at the mandy dont think that would help right now, the oxy's are wicked just highly addictive and very expensive bout £25 for 1 40mg tab from the road last time i brought em that 1 tab will last all day and night tho with no tolerance and if you dont take the slow release off.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
say whaaaaaat 1 tab for 25 nicker. christ on a bike that's pricey. i just got a load of blues and tamz off chillzon3. generics but for the price who gives a monkeys


New Member
hi everyone. glad to see people from uk are on here. iam new and just joind today. iam just starting up got me seeds today russian#2. doing a outdoor in a green house just in compost from da asda got some nutrients for when they start flowering. they are auto. ive never done a grow before. i would apreciate any advise i just want to keep things simple. soil/water/food. iam planting straight in the soil not germing. could you please let me know what this strain is like for pests mould ect. thankyou. o ye newuserlol have you tried tramadol or dyhdrocodien much better stuff i currently suffer with ifections in my jaw bone due to plates and a tooth needs drilling out by ozzy long story anyway find these work good especially together the are both opiate based but addictive so dont over do it.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
anyone having grief getting on SR? the normal onion url isn't letting me in so I used the link which times out. not too arsed like i'm only paying not buying :lol:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye i've managed it now. I use uk for blues n benzo's but md/'s n toot go Dutch. they have the best shit and I've not had owt go missing.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
you flipping today or more work to do. Bet you get better reception on the roger mellie with all the extra wires up there.
I've the lights to hang, put a door on and patch the gaps then I'm done.
I should have em settled in a couple of hours.

Just gave the Fingerez mother and the GK x Psycho a good dousing with Tria spray while they're sat in the bath.


Well-Known Member
the codeine i no m8, i carnt take them unless ive just eaten but i didnt really expect it with the antibio's fuck i felt rough this morning lol ive never really been 1 for weed as a painkiller not that i dont beleive it just never really used it meself like that, but got some long cured well grown critical mass when the tooth 1st started and in 19yrs of smoking dope 1st time i truely felt its painkilling side, the cm was heavy couchlock and really did help but soon ran out lol
I use it fer pain relief every day, couldnt fukin walk far otherwise an every pharmo shite is poison imfao