You'll get over it Sae. I can't afford a £20 anytime at present. EArn £50 a week, rent is £50 a week. For me, it's depressing to start with, but i thrive on poverty. Easy as shit to adjust to living off nothing once you accept you can't go out and buy some beer or a bag or some salami. If i want a smoke, that's what my gf is for

I scrounge up a few quid for petrol and to cook her dinner, she get's me mashed. Winner winner chicken dinner! A year without either a dealer or the ability to grow, and while i love a smoke, i find it a hell of a lot easier just to go without, than try and smoke what i can just about not afford. I always find that after a weekend smoking, i'll end up scraping bags and my grinder etc. If i simply accept that there ent gonna be no smoking, i just go without, without much issue.