The UK Growers Thread!

does anyone know anything about humidifiers? Im looking for one that is fairly cheap and sets the humidity level and stays at that level.

any suggestions?
Don ya bastard, each thread i open is you dancing around wtih steaks!

Gidion, see if you can find the afe bluebird, veryyyyyyyyy comfortable, great smokes and great toasties! :)
John Lewis do some pretty cheap Kilner jars......
Soil wise I use Coco canna personally. If planting outdoors though then any soil will do(it is a weed after all).

12 days until my trip, have decided to hit the following shops:
The Doors
Dampkring (OG Kush)
Greenhouse (Super Lemon Haze)
Barneys (G13 Haze)

All of these are pretty near to central station and should help me kill the early hours before I can check in.

On the walk to my hotel I shall be visiting:
Grey Area

After checking in it's onto:
Sensi seed shop
Dolphins (White Dolphin)

Then back to my hotel balcony to get baked and review what I've picked up.
Will pick up Northern Lights and Jack Herrer at any shop I find it (to compare and find the best). Also looking for some decent hash......

Strange choice of shops to visit. You've not included some of the better one's, but thats just my opinion from the 7 times I've been.

Greenhouse effect - Warmoesstraat (parallel with Damrak) Good selection of green although its a bit on the small side.
Kadinsky's - Rosmarijnsteeq (Bit of pain to find, down the shooping street and do a right) As above
Bluebird - Sint Antoniesbreestraat (A bit of a walk, walk down damrak to dam square, do a left and keep heading, its not the easiest to find) Its has a brilliant selection of both green and hash.

Also, Grey matter has some good stuff too. If you're talking about the Abraxas on Spuistraat then I think I remember getting some real nice orange bud there.

After about 4-5 Joints its all the same anyway to be fair, super high.
does anyone know anything about humidifiers? Im looking for one that is fairly cheap and sets the humidity level and stays at that level.

any suggestions?

to get one that has a thermostat is gpoing to be fairly expensivee any one you get. id recommend a normal one without and a cheapo timer to regulate on/off for the same effect
Cheers fellas.
Have to admit, I'd never heard of bluebird or Kadinskys. Will definitely check them out though.
I assumed greenhouse effect was just another branch of the greenhouse (hence i was just picking the one that was closest).
In terms of the others, Barneys and Dolphin Id certainly recommend (g13 Haze & White dolphin are a must).
The others were just a mix of those with good reviews and/or large menu's.

On a side question, does anybody here grow?
Have a soil mix (cana coco) that is watered via the autoPot watering system (pretty much drip feed to base of pot). All this is linked to a 47litre tank.
Just facing confusion over whether it's ok, during nutrient time, to dump the nutes into the main tank, therefore having nutes delivered to base of pot daily. Or whether it should just be water delivered daily with the nute solution added only on 1-2 days of the week.(wrong section to ask maybe).
Bluebird is a defo. You sound like you know what you want though, I'm a bit out of touch with the new strains. I've not been since they banned tobacco smoke, but by all accounts the dutch are not taking to the smoking ban on the whole so I'm interested to check it out. Planning a trip in the next month or two. My tip, take photos, otherwise it can be a bit of a blurrrrr.
I had a friend who visited me shortly after a trip to Amsterdam about a fortnight ago, i asked him about the tobacco ban, and he didn't know what i meant, he had just rolled up and smoked his joints as he nomally would, noone commented.
yep. Tobacco ban made no difference, apart from the shops now have pots filled with tobacco substitutes if you want to use them.
Last time round I just kept my fag packet off the table, otherwise just proceed as normal.

So is the greenhouse effect seperate from the greenhouse chain?
I went bak in may and some places had substitutes and some told me 2 keep it on the low ( nothing beats having a big bag of green on the table then hiding ur cigs ) I won't b goin again until the pound sorts its self out, ur lookin at about £10 a gram and £2 a drink
Cheers fellas.
Have to admit, I'd never heard of bluebird or Kadinskys. Will definitely check them out though.
I assumed greenhouse effect was just another branch of the greenhouse (hence i was just picking the one that was closest).
In terms of the others, Barneys and Dolphin Id certainly recommend (g13 Haze & White dolphin are a must).
The others were just a mix of those with good reviews and/or large menu's.

On a side question, does anybody here grow? hahahahahaha it has been known...

Have a soil mix (cana coco) that is watered via the autoPot watering system (pretty much drip feed to base of pot). All this is linked to a 47litre tank.
Just facing confusion over whether it's ok, during nutrient time, to dump the nutes into the main tank, therefore having nutes delivered to base of pot daily. Or whether it should just be water delivered daily with the nute solution added only on 1-2 days of the week.(wrong section to ask maybe).

Yeah just fill the res up with the nutes maybe check the ph etc over the course of the week but no reason not to pump the nutes every water. depends on the nutes your using really. if your on the canna range i think they say to feed every water.

check out hill street blues cafe for one. write some shit on the walls!
I went bak in may and some places had substitutes and some told me 2 keep it on the low ( nothing beats having a big bag of green on the table then hiding ur cigs ) I won't b goin again until the pound sorts its self out, ur lookin at about £10 a gram and £2 a drink
Hi, all UK Growers! Just thought i would add i just got back from Dam 3 weeks ago and been 3 times in last 9 months. Most places will ignore you using tobacco, just dont have pkt lying on table! But ye! The Euro is killing us just now! 12 Quid a g for good grade!
hi can any1 help growing ducth passion durban poison its about 5ft n half foot nw bin growing since start of may.this morning wen i went to check on my plant it looked like it hadnt woken up usally all the leafs are up but this morning they wernt wots gone wrong? im watering every 2-3 days growing in a 100ltr pot outdoors???????????????????????
hi fokes not been on in a while due to moving house but starting to build my grow again and my plan o action is to run all my babys straight under 12/12 from seed . so its only 1 room needed and less electricity need .

all this is just for personal smoke so hoping to harvest 3 plants every 3 weeks 9 plants in room at any one time in 3 different stages been told to expect and oz per plant ..............

my big question is what strain gave use the highest yield and best smoke ?
anyone having a hard time getting good green where there at?

im in glasgow and cant seem to find any good weed out there. anyone else?

i've only just started my plants and i'm dying for a good smoke.
I have that problem round here... only weed I can get is just useless, theres no (real) named shit about as far as I know its just people sellin shit bush weed as super skunk and all that jazz.

and scottish lad, Try Critical mass, I aint got that far yet but its sposed to be stupidly high yield.
and scottish lad, Try Critical mass, I aint got that far yet but its sposed to be stupidly high yield.[/QUOTE]

i will have a wee look at the seeds

do you know if the smoke is good ?
I've seen named weed in this area 1 time, and that was questionable, but who needs anmes, if it get's you baked it's done it's job. I've only come across weed that doesn't really do too much a couple of times.
I was looking at the LED ranges the other night and thinking of going with one of the 120W strips.
Anyone have any experience?

Im pretty sure im running a 250W HPS (cant remember if 250 or 400 but pretty sure its the former) so the thoughts are to replace that. What happens when 1 or 2 LEDs die out (can they be replaced)?