The UK Growers Thread!

the water situation shouldnt really effect the plant i dont think, because what would it do it it was outdoors and there was a drought on?
ohhhh im on it now, i thought you ment a full plant, if its a seed just water it wen you remember that you forgot to water it lol
lol, yeh. the plants are fine, gave em a little water yesterday - full feed either tonight or tomorrow morning. Love it when i feed em, they seem to grow like amazingly quickly
Hello my UK greenfingered friends :)

uughhh ... cold , dark , damp and gray here today ... But the sun shines in my heart :)

Anyways , I have a bit of a touchy subject , I want to invite UK growers / Smokers to a dedicated UK forum ..with a differnce .

But i don't want it to come across as some sort of random kind of advert you sometimes see here .

I have spent the best part of a month comming up with the idea and putting it into motion ... and im at the point now where its ready and waiting , Have a few members ( friends from here ) and a lot of open sections , Its NOT a replacement for Riu ( i LOVE it here ) More just an extention for the UK culture .

I have been working with Hydro Shops , Wholesalers , Equiptment manufactures and seed banks to try and pull this off ... To cut a very long story short ... Its about saving us money and getting a better service from the hydro industry ... To my supprise ... They LOVE the idea and allready they want to be involved .

So anyways .... im in a bit of a spot .... i wanna share this .... But i don't want it to be seen as some guy just advertising his forum in order to gain something .... I'm doing this off my own back at my own expence to help others and to maybe change the way the industry works here in the UK .... and to save us all some cash ...Its not to make waves :)

Lemme know what you guys think :)

In the meantime , If anyone is interested and would like an invite or just wants to take a look ... feel free to PM me

V :peace:

You need to clear out your inbox, Vento.
my mate gives his all the nutes, hes says the same as you, you feed it and it seems to grow bigger almost over night. i amight try a couple when i pop my next couple of seeds.
yeh - they seem to have about 2-3 days of quick growth then slow down - although it might just be me too stoned to notice the subtle differences
would love to grow organically - but i'm too new at the moment, lemme get my 1st and 2nd grows out the way and I will be considering alternatives to nutes and liquid feed
i could after the holiday! that was amazing - go away and they are growing happily - return after one week to find them all covered in buds and survivng well....i was sooo happy
i wish my buds would hurry up man they should be here properly in the next two weeks!!!

its been flowering for a week, its been growing for 6 weeks and its seed to bud in 8 weeks, so fingers crossed the next two weeks il have a little stash. i started two to do a little experiment, after they sprouted i kept 1 and gave 1 to my mate, he was to keep his under a light and i was to keep mine outdoors, but then we had that bad weather so i had to bring it in, so i put it under a light and he put his in the window and thats were theyve been for the last 2 and a half weeks.

so the experiment changed from- "is it best to grow an outdoor seed outdoors or under a light"? to "which will grow better a plant grown outdoor for 2 1/2 weeks then grew under a light or a plant grew under light for 2 1/2 weeks then grew under natural light"?

mines small and compact wheres his it tall/ gangly and spread out.
i wish my buds would hurry up man they should be here properly in the next two weeks!!!

its been flowering for a week, its been growing for 6 weeks and its seed to bud in 8 weeks, so fingers crossed the next two weeks il have a little stash. i started two to do a little experiment, after they sprouted i kept 1 and gave 1 to my mate, he was to keep his under a light and i was to keep mine outdoors, but then we had that bad weather so i had to bring it in, so i put it under a light and he put his in the window and thats were theyve been for the last 2 and a half weeks.

so the experiment changed from- "is it best to grow an outdoor seed outdoors or under a light"? to "which will grow better a plant grown outdoor for 2 1/2 weeks then grew under a light or a plant grew under light for 2 1/2 weeks then grew under natural light"?

mines small and compact wheres his it tall/ gangly and spread out.

sounds like he used a shitty ass light
i think its because hes had it on 24 hours under a 250w sodium for the first 2 1/2 weeks and hes now put it in natural light which is on 17/7
would love to grow organically - but i'm too new at the moment, lemme get my 1st and 2nd grows out the way and I will be considering alternatives to nutes and liquid feed

you can grow on liturally anything really, i know this sounds mad but i saw it, i was working in manchester once and the only way to get the sofa out of the house was to take it through the back, down the alley round the house then into the street, the lad who owned the house said be careful of my plant in the alley and showed me there was a plant growinf through the concrete in the alley! he said it was its second year and doesnt know how it got there he said it must of been him or one of his mates have emptied his skinin up tin in the alley and its ahd a seed in it.

i know a fella whos a bit of a hippy he drives round finds a place a plants a seed marks it off on a map then goes back a couple of months later to see if anything grew
you can grow on liturally anything really, i know this sounds mad but i saw it, i was working in manchester once and the only way to get the sofa out of the house was to take it through the back, down the alley round the house then into the street, the lad who owned the house said be careful of my plant in the alley and showed me there was a plant growinf through the concrete in the alley! he said it was its second year and doesnt know how it got there he said it must of been him or one of his mates have emptied his skinin up tin in the alley and its ahd a seed in it.

i know a fella whos a bit of a hippy he drives round finds a place a plants a seed marks it off on a map then goes back a couple of months later to see if anything grew
- lol, love this guy already! nice idea...a little late in the season i think now
he starts going round in march/april, drives so far one way plants a seed, drives so far another way plants a seed, and so on until he gets home and when the plants in his green house are done and hes drying them out he goes to all the places on his map to see if there anything. he gave me some nice northen lights once and some purple haze from his green house but i didnt like that
sounds like a good friend! my old neighbour used to grow in his green house. he fell out with the neighbour next to him and got grassed up! wish id known, id have been popping in his greenhouse. The guy was a fucking idiot and too cocky, serves him right for getting busted. Got away with it saying his friend had given him some tomato seeds as a joke put some weed seeds in there