The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i think they were probably just drunk university lads.. :P but we'll take this to a deeper level if you'd like, cus you're right, gangs are silllllllly :)

well grow

Active Member
Gangs are thought to be nesicity in modern day society its a way to feel protected. All thease kids have seen our people go off to war for years fighting killing and surviving they feel if they dont try to protect what they have got then it will be taken away, but somewhere allong the line this feeling of protection has changed its no longer protection that they need while the government has been trying to make the world a better place for everyone else they forgot about their own people their wants and their needs so the gangs have changed now they are fighting their own war on their own streets more than anything thease kids have no self worth so this makes them fearless its a cry for attention that is going unheard this is a problem caused by the government not the schools or the parents somewhere along the line the goverment forgot why they are in power its not just to look good it to look after the people and i feel they stopped doing this a long time ago.


Active Member
hey uk tokers im from the south east and cant get any nice stuf off anyone can some1 help im safe ass fuck please help
Then you need to grow your own :-) Its what we're here for and you wont get better advice than rollitup...... I'm also 'South East' its hard to find the good stuff thesedays.... take me back to the days of the good old cheap Jamaican, cheap, brown, stalky and seedy BUT it was alwasy there when you wanted it, it had that real old 'peppery' taste and always got you stoned :-)

They've driven out the honest reliable Jamaican import and its been replaced with vietnamese 'gritweed' and contaminated cr*p. Thats prohibition at work for you :-(

Only one way, grow your own.



Well-Known Member
All the 'gritweed' and 'contaminated' has nothing to do with the UK Vietnamese growers, its all imported from holland.The Vietnamese do love to sell damp poor quality produce though.


Well-Known Member
Gangs and knifes, guns aint a new thing, they have been with up forever, its just that now its kids and they dont care who they involve in it either. We had the casuals in the 80s they are starting making a huge comeback. We live in a violent Fucked up society where no one is safe to go about their own business, instead of going after us the growers. The authorities should be making cutting the levels of violence a priority. After all we the growers are doing the polices job for them, we are putting the foreign criminal gangs out of business to a degree, if we aint buying street weed they are gonna feel it in their pockets! Well maybe we aint putting the foreign gangs out of business but we must be affating their business.


Active Member
hey people whats going on?this thread was on page 4!where have all the uk growers gone?
For anyone interested in wonder woman ill be starting a journal of my 4 wonder woman that have just popped!


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
sounds good man, i'll check it out. i don't actually have any idea on how my grow is doing now. i can only check it when i water it now :( new room mate, gonna be telling him before too long, watering stealth style is killing me :D imagine trimming that lot down on the sly :D

is 'black squigey' just a hash made using a certain mehtod, or is black squigey a "hash strain" if you see what i mean, and dealres are just tryin to big their stuff up? i never ever smoke hash, so now i have half an ounce of "squigey" and firstly i can't guage my amounts for fuck, 4 tokes on this joint and i've had to put it down for half an hour :D i forget the secondly, it's good shit

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah squidgy is made from any weed its just a soft hash, lovely toke mind i love squidge gold seal red seal whatever, i love grinding up a little weed rolling the hash out till its flat n sprinkling the gear in then folding it back up tastes amazing. knocks you over!!

rolling a thin sausage to put down the Joint is the easiest way to gauge it tip top!

aint seen any squidge up north in time....:cry:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yeah, i woked that out last night, and then i worked out that it was not just sausages you can make, and next thing you know i've got table of plastacine tree owls and los of paranoid doodling all around em........ :)

question for anyone, how long should i be epecting to wait between flushing a burnt plant and it's next water. the soil is still very wet, yet the plant is not sowing any signs of improvement and if anything is just getting more droopy and crispy. the main cola seems very weak and has not gown at all.