The UK Growers Thread!

yeh the whole point is to get mist to the leaves,don made his own and its fucking awsome, and its fog ffrom water not like dry ice, for a sqwid fukit
prob wont need one ice just mist it ya self when u go and chek them......but yer i got a bubbler 2 they cheep enuff just get dicent stone in a glass of water think u will have to modify propgator tho so u havent got the pipe for bubbler affecting the seal so drill hole in side or top and feed rubber tube thru .....
I went back to a bubbler cos the cheapo chinky foggers kept dying.

as long as it works for 4 weeks i dont really care lol,, i seen these chrome ones i think ther better but ther like a score

come harvest il buy the real deal cloner thing, and i thought they need misting more than every 2 days, so i thought buy a fogger and leave it to do its won thing, lke i say i only need 4 weeks outa it
im sayin im swetting like a bredbin on a rape charge lmao....warm again.....just going to chek on me seedlings c how they comming on,........
Hahaha to the motherfuckin grizzle Lol. I'm sound mate me backs feelin better 2day aswell must be the blueys lmao.what u sayin anyway mate?
That's the reason I didn't make one of those fogopnic things I wrote everything down yorkie put up on here but thought fuck it the noise would do me head in as its next to my bed
the aor pump i got dose vibrate a bit well u have a slight buzzing aint to bad tho suppose if put on rubber mat or sommert would reduce it a bit.....or hang it....
That's the reason I didn't make one of those fogopnic things I wrote everything down yorkie put up on here but thought fuck it the noise would do me head in as its next to my bed
any of u nice ppl (lmao nice, bunch of sarcastic bastards more like haha) got anything u can load the fairy up with for me? can return the favor when i chop or can ££ if u want but i need a smoke