The UK Growers Thread!

u miisery guts cunt! why put a downer on the lad? fuksake..

haha, i wasn't trying to, maybe it came out like that.

i should have said something more like; "she looks amazing, hopefully the weather stays nice and you can get some nice bud off that thing, good luck!".

and yes it is looking very nice.
what u rec few pics of me i think done.....chekd tich n tryc l;ot are amber.....oh if u wondering whats in bottom of pots i put flystrips there just incase any little sneeky buds get in me
yer be nice to see it flower.....

she is happy now, let's see what she is looking like in 10 weeks when it it's probably snowing or something lol.

i think light depravation or autoflowers would be better for my climate up north. i've seen some lovely light dep grows lately. where people take a plant outdoors in the middle of the best sun and then put it in a dark shed for 12 hours. not as big as your usual outdoors but looks pretty close to indoor quality bud.
what u rec few pics of me i think done.....chekd tich n tryc l;ot are amber.....oh if u wondering whats in bottom of pots i put flystrips there just incase any little sneeky buds get in me attachment 2760098View attachment 2760100View attachment 2760101View attachment 2760102View attachment 2760103View attachment 2760104

chop one now, see if there is a difference when you harvest the rest in a week or so.

i have chopped plants more mature and more immature than that, i always prefer mature but some prefer a lighter buzz.

they look pretty green and i still see white pistils.

she is happy now, let's see what she is looking like in 10 weeks when it it's probably snowing or something lol.

i think light depravation or autoflowers would be better for my climate up north. i've seen some lovely light dep grows lately. where people take a plant outdoors in the middle of the best sun and then put it in a dark shed for 12 hours. not as big as your usual outdoors but looks pretty close to indoor quality bud.

Hmmmm been thinking bout making a black plastic cover ton12/12 it Whitby rekon otherwise she gonna be a monster I'm yell in ya
u miisery guts cunt! why put a downer on the lad? fuksake..

looking nice bizzleshenizzlemenipple

well got 25 cuts down so see how they go, popped em all last night and filled a 30 litre bucket with trim, seemed a waste but fek it, clones seem to be doin well, see how many survive in a week or so and then take sum cuts of livers,

got the plastic tub for my bubble system, that will be sorted soon,

Cheers Ice any compliment of you is a Gooden ;) in hope to get one if those cuts ;))

Son far bubba cuts non root growth as yet but I'll give it another week and we'll see
Cheers Ice any compliment of you is a Gooden ;) in hope to get one if those cuts ;))

Son far bubba cuts non root growth as yet but I'll give it another week and we'll see

the cuts i taken are the PE, i got the livers here to do next, but have no prop box so gotta wiat till the 30 i just done is rooted,

the clones if ikode have gotten past the trauma of getting maulaxed in the post then getting the soil washed of the roots and redone in coco, we have lots of new growth, ther thriving now, lol,, im soo fucking good!!!

anyone got any cal mag yet? i just cant offord the shit atm, grr
the cuts i taken are the PE, i got the livers here to do next, but have no prop box so gotta wiat till the 30 i just done is rooted,

the clones if ikode have gotten past the trauma of getting maulaxed in the post then getting the soil washed of the roots and redone in coco, we have lots of new growth, ther thriving now, lol,, im soo fucking good!!!

anyone got any cal mag yet? i just cant offord the shit atm, grr

Yeh man u bad ass Lol I'm getting some cal mag 2morrow I'll send ya some if ya want ??? I'll limit you to 20 ml lmao
Evening shit flickers, how are we all today? so got my 600w ordered today shud be here by tuesday at the latest but all going well it might be here 2morro, then im gonna swap the 250 that in my veg chamber to the 400 that i'll be taking out the flower tent to swap with the 600w.
Ripped from another thread...........

More propaganda in the UK! It's reefer madness all over again, but worse!

Warrington Council would rather you stick a needle of heroin in your arm than you light up a joint! Seriously, I am not lying. They have been working on a new campaign to spread utter crap about cannabis. But as soon as the campaign was set to be released a huge amount of complaints flooded in and has forced them to suspend the campaign pending investigation regarding the wacky claims they made.

“Cannabis can now be stronger than heroin and cannabis related crime is now the most common drug related crime in Warrington.”

Who is responsible for this atrocity? Well her name is Councillor Pat Wright. And where can you contact her I hear you asking?

Well, she has kindly put her contact details on the internet for anyone to contact her.
Contact Details

75 Birchdale Road,
Tel: 01925 823165 / 07740 075 704
Fax: 01925 852411

gonna email that cunt and tell him to gtfo, and wtf everything it says on that poster, alcohol does to you twice as fast, and in alot of cases violence is caused by alcohol, but its kl you pay taxes on alcohol

weed stronger than heroin, where can i find this shit.
Evening shit flickers, how are we all today? so got my 600w ordered today shud be here by tuesday at the latest but all going well it might be here 2morro, then im gonna swap the 250 that in my veg chamber to the 400 that i'll be taking out the flower tent to swap with the 600w.

Oi shit flickers is my name Lol ... them cheeses perking up a bit now how's ur dreams doin???