The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
lmao ha ha yer its like viagra to missis use to dred me going to bed wen i had a smoke.....she new she would be walking funny in morning lol
lol thats too funny it just makes me gouch on the couch etc and not wanna move haha no fuckin energy for nothin lol


Well-Known Member
Trust me if in didn't have weed in would nenimssne Lol..and Yeh biglad there's all sorts of strains tjatbsrebhood for different thingsnlike anxiousness and insomnia you'll hanentonhabe a goodnsearch mate yank sites are the best firnthat its Lol medical nnshit


Well-Known Member
lol i think everyones monged........yer u ya sneeky fukka we all kno why u wanna sly to the couch.......(cmon mr gary).....dirty bastards....


Well-Known Member
i think id rather take me tams tho than smoke a spliff for sleep lol
Trust me if in didn't have weed in would nenimssne Lol..and Yeh biglad there's all sorts of strains tjatbsrebhood for different thingsnlike anxiousness and insomnia you'll hanentonhabe a goodnsearch mate yank sites are the best firnthat its Lol medical nnshit