The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I had clone onlys, fairyed them out and now I've got none, don't see me spitting my dummy out about it tho....they will come


im bringing prop box back tomorrow and taking livers cuts, going in airing cupboard under blue spec same as i dont my beans, so neevr fear, im sure i wont get thru a full bottle of clonex without 1 clone!


Well-Known Member

im bringing prop box back tomorrow and taking livers cuts, going in airing cupboard under blue spec same as i dont my beans, so neevr fear, im sure i wont get thru a full bottle of clonex without 1 clone!
Ive no fear ic3, I know ur tryin m8, the waits maybe a good thing anyway in my position


Well-Known Member
Yeh Ice just keep it nice n warm and don't have the light directly above the dome and before you put any cutting In a jiffy make sure unsqueeze it till it stopped dripping Cuz they soak up too much water then if unseee them dry up pour a tiny bit if water in the bottommandntjeyl soak it up.....where day live I'll come n show ya lmao


Well-Known Member
He had too low a humidity last time that's what went wrong, no mist/steam on the lid, the reason for that probly cos of low temps, def need to keep em warmer


Well-Known Member
Any 1 seen these before? Jus bought a couple for a quid each, thought they might come in handy 1 day.
View attachment 2770430
doesnt a wet or dry towek do same job? too humid u hang a dry towel, to dry uhang a wet towel?

anwyays yehil get cuts sorte for ya guys just bear with me, first tim n all, so my plan is

get prop bak here and take sum snips slice the ends up and dip in clonex, then stick in jiffys in the airing cupboard and have the striplight over em, its only a 24 watter but ive foud its exellent for seedlings ect, u think have cuts in dark for a dasy or 2 or just have the light nr them?


Well-Known Member
Yeh slice the stemnatnan angle a sharp.angle 45° scare the stem very slightly so it skins it. Put a little slit in the end of your cutting not big just a small one.. and soak em in clonex leave em in it for about 15 seconds and proper work it in


Well-Known Member
na far from it lad.....i aint bein no cunt just saying how it is on ere......all the help? asking a few questions ...witch i rep thanku too im just saying the bitching and being a cunt on ere....realy?.....any need......lke im betta than so n so ect ect......
that shit from imc was directed at me....he pm d me asking for clone onlys...I said id let him know, I then pointed out the sr, u r an inexperienced grower non smoker bin on here few minutes talking shit then beggin then showin ur true need more patience