The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
just with bubblebags I got of cold water......plenty of ice......bashed the hell out of it for 20 min....let it stand....20 min......bashed again.......let ice melt for a nother half hour.......then left it for hour straind the bags out and that was it mate....
i ment to ask how you made that hash? what method? it was really nice.


Well-Known Member
I did do mine with fresh trim not from freezer or dryed out ect.....
just with bubblebags I got of cold water......plenty of ice......bashed the hell out of it for 20 min....let it stand....20 min......bashed again.......let ice melt for a nother half hour.......then left it for hour straind the bags out and that was it mate....


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking, I'm thinking.

I could probably shift a fair bit too, lol.
In July 2009 in Switzerland, a zander attacked tourists in Lake Maggiore, sending two people to the emergency room; the worst cut inflicted was about 10 centimeters long. The 70-cm 8-kg fish was later caught by the local police who cooked it and offered it to the tourists for the trouble it caused.[SUP][4][/SUP] It is very unusual for zander to attack humans.



Well-Known Member
In Poland, this fish is popular and regarded as a delicacy, but the difficulty in catching it makes it expensive. It is most commonly baked with a trace of butter.

think baz is a bit of fisherman expert lol

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I chat to an older yank guy on another site who lives out in the sticks by a swamp, he sits in his kitchen drinking whisky, smoking blunts and shoots these bastards from the window then goes and collects them with the dog.

Gator Fish
download (1).jpgdownload (2).jpg

Beasts those yanks have, lol.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Are you looking for zander then? Think there might be a shop or 2 down here that does it as all the polish lads i know are equally mad for the stuff
Yes mate, the missus has been trying to get hold of it for about a year.

We have to get it sent frozen from Poland which isn't often.