The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
thats is a fucking tune yman.......... the love me for you one
If you email me an address mate I'll chuck you a load of oldscool on a cd or two, oldscool dance is my thing.

I'm a fucking tune nerd I've got bangers from as early as 84 (only a couple) and they're from rare early parties as E was only available in a small area until mid 85.


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;O7TklQTeuSE][/video]....bit of jungle.......brapppp


Well-Known Member

the ''exodus crew run this place and we not too be fucked with, hurt a lot of people'' but thank fuck they nicked the exo n pyscho lmao

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
"The first time I saw you you were standing up against the wall,
Of a nightclub it was coming up to close to dawn.
When you looked at me I thought that you would have it all,
Think you're so fine baby I just want to take you home."

What a fucking drop!



Well-Known Member
i was into proper commercial in me pill day this sort of shit lol

i dropped more real e's than i care to remember on this tune lmao


The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
i was into proper commercial in me pill day this sort of shit lol

i dropped more real e's than i care to remember on this tune lmao

I was working the Leeds nightclub scene when that batch of tunes came out, Majestyk at the height of the "Euphoria" trance phase.

Memory's forever.


Well-Known Member
and your glow stick dont forget lolol

i use to love them raves that had hot tea stands, pilling off ya nut n hot tea or ice pops was a rush u can never forget lolol


Well-Known Member
purple speckeld mitsi's, blue elephants,fish, few other mitis's too some i remember loolol but a shitload of K on top and ten+ years ago leaves the odd blank or 3 lol