The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
fuking xbox is better my left nut, ps3 is free online for a start and thats a big plus., better graphics, bluray player, 3d enabled,, need i go on?

i got both a 250 slim and a 500 ps3 slim and theps3 pisses the xbox, shit i havent even played the xbox more than 10 minutes since i had it, plus u cant get the last of us on xbox, :P

got loads of old consoles, collection coming on nicely

and yeh them cuts of shwanye wer huge all 12 of em landed no damage whatsoever so he did summert right for a change, anwyays bak to MW3

see ya

I said the Xbox is better than the PS2, not that the 360 is better than the PS3.

Again, read what it says not what you think it says.


Well-Known Member
i dont read shit and never intend to unless its of the importance, ps2 is better standard, but id say the original xbox is better than the s2 for modding, ect, but syaing that u could get linux on the ps2, but the dash on a modded original xbox was good, they wer just so fucking big.

as for hacking, who gives a fuk, they wernt bare details like was stated not a lot could have been done with wat was actually taken, and who cares bowt hacking ps anwyays, not many, still ps4 is way ahead of xbox is pre sales, so thats a sign of ow good the box is copared to ps,,, but lets be honest, abosolutely fuk all beats pc gaming FACT, and i dont even game on the pc,,

i need to divvy up and buy sum 5 litre nutes, these 1 litres are only lasting a week, fuksake man.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
hahaha i didnt even know a new ps and xbox were coming out.....i must say reading argos add the xbox one that turns on when you enter the room is scary, it says that kinnesct kit has been completely redone!!

im sure youve all seen that gadget show..the one with the funny dressing bald one episode they set up a tred mill and put screens all the way round, he they plays cod or summing and it actually shoots him back when i hit my 1 ton harvest i want that lol!!!

p.s just saw the sexyest woman ever one the way to the perfection great tits, stunning arse and beautiful boat, all wrapped up in skin tight shizzle..... i almost had to apologise for starring so hard....her ol man didnt look pleased lol

Well-Known Member
Aye I'll play anything to be honest - the Wii-U is crackin. I just like the accessibility and compatibility (for free) options Sony give ya.

Gaming is cool, but media is a big thing for me.


Well-Known Member
Playstation 2 rocks! About to indulge in a blast from the past, just back from the shops with a copy of splashdown and dynasty warriors 2. £1 each :) Gonna be just like old days, except really high :) got a side of smoked salmon, a packet of cheese strings, and 10 pepperamis on standby in the fridge :)

That is some stella stuff newser. Broke a tiny pinch into a single skin, half the size of a pea, and it got me very nice and mellow right out of bed :) Is this the sativa one you were talking about a short while back? Because it's rare for me to be stoned and then think hey, i'm gonna get dressed and goto the shops, and actually do it.
no mate this is pollen, was just where you only had a small bit, is some strong stuff if you pack that joint out.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
i dont read shit and never intend to unless its of the importance, ps2 is better standard
How the fuck do you know if stuff is important if you don't read it properly first? Div!

PS2 is not better than the xbox "standard" at all, the original xbox is a far better machine in every way.
I'm not listing all the technical stuff that the xbox can do that the PS2 can't (Xbox has a proper Nvidia graphics chip with AA capabilities and a Pentium III CPU for a start, something the PS2 can only have wet dreams about) but you're wrong mate, you may prefer the PS2 for whatever reason and it's certainly the most popular console brand of all time but it's far from the better machine and is actually shite when compared to the xbox.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i dont read shit and never intend to unless its of the importance, ps2 is better standard, but id say the original xbox is better than the s2 for modding, ect, but syaing that u could get linux on the ps2, but the dash on a modded original xbox was good, they wer just so fucking big.

as for hacking, who gives a fuk, they wernt bare details like was stated not a lot could have been done with wat was actually taken, and who cares bowt hacking ps anwyays, not many, still ps4 is way ahead of xbox is pre sales, so thats a sign of ow good the box is copared to ps,,, but lets be honest, abosolutely fuk all beats pc gaming FACT, and i dont even game on the pc,,

i need to divvy up and buy sum 5 litre nutes, these 1 litres are only lasting a week, fuksake man.
always with the FACTS you ice lol. i'd care if someone had those details. they only need a couple more to start fleecing you. FACT. PC's are for working and watching porn i reckon.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Well this Nvidia GTX 650Ti my pal got for £125 is shite compared to my overclocked ATI HD6870 for £100.

It won't run Battlefield 3 at a solid 60 fps @ 1024x768 with all the candy on low (some turned off).

Mine rocks a solid 80fps at 1080p with all the candy on high.

You need to sell a kidney to afford a half decent Nvidia card thesedays.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
PC's are better for mmorpg, fps, rts. Consoles are better for social gaming, platform, racing, sports. Swings and roundabouts. And like with which console is better, its often based on the available games rather than the technology. A huge number of playstation 2's sold for no other reason than GTA.

What have i started. Oh dear.

I bought a cheap as chips £90 card, forget the model, ati hd 7700? coupled with 4gb of ram and a lowly q6600 at stock and it happily plays ev erything just fine at 1080p with eyecandy enabled.


Well-Known Member
yer mate im well chuffed with my 6870 too just getting another in next few days....
Well this Nvidia GTX 650Ti my pal got for £125 is shite compared to my overclocked ATI HD6870 for £100.

It won't run Battlefield 3 at a solid 60 fps @ 1024x768 with all the candy on low (some turned off).

Mine rocks a solid 80fps at 1080p with all the candy on high.

You need to sell a kidney to afford a half decent Nvidia card thesedays.