The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
that is very true, people do often forget what they have written in txt and is still viewable, ive had dealing with shawny not weed, never weed but from a very limited few, my problem with his packaging was that it was well over packaged, to the extreme lol

i think there's a lot more elements to your now paranoia also, like you mentioned you have a kid at the house, the mentally ill brother etc

but i do agree with any who said they wont do nowt about it sae, but a random saying that to you in a weed forum dont mean a great deal to how you feel.

and no offence meant but if that happend wit the 0.9 WHY go back into it for 3.5????
Again im not being paranoid, just exercising some caution/due dilligence UNTIL I find out one way or the other whats going on.

Paranoia= Package has'nt turnt up yet, the feds are after me, quick tin foil hat on an run for the hills, move my family, change my name etc
Caution/due dilligence= Giving it some time before setting up my grow or not and wait n see what happens or if its just delayed etc

See the difference? lol
Fuck Shawny, that must of sucked chopping her down, as much as I'm sure you would of loved to have seen that monster flower (as would I), you would be cursing yourself if the old bill came knocking because of it or some thieving cunts decided to break in to see if you got more. Best off this way imo.

Spooningbadgers did you make a mistake on the order or did they deliver the ripen by accident? If the latter send the a photo with your invoice and they'll probably send the bloom out for free.

FYI I have very little growing knowledge to offer, but I run my IT department at work (among other things) so if anyone needs any tech advice, shoot and I can try to help.


Well-Known Member
fuck fuck fuck i forgot again hes a gooner scumster, spoons you use that ripen at the start mate on seedlings,clones etc lmao and triple the dosage it says on the bottle lol


Well-Known Member
My weeds most proberly not good enough for you anyways Lol fuck knows what's happened you'll get it man I know ur worried sae but this was packaged properly no smell at all !!!


Well-Known Member
fuck fuck fuck i forgot again hes a gooner scumster, spoons you use that ripen at the start mate on seedlings,clones etc lmao and triple the dosage it says on the bottle lol
lol no what i said mate, the 14days is the better option tho and i usually use 4ml per ltr but have seen burn on exo and pyscho at 5ml and them strains can handle there nutes, dunno what that pe ur growin is like nutewise tho?


Well-Known Member
ok few pics from today and transplant of the 3 runts.......must say the smell of the Acapulco gold is lovley was all I could smell wen taking pics......soz bout lights...........Acapulco cheese.........IMG_1218.jpg..................IMG_1216.jpgIMG_1219.jpgIMG_1220.jpgIMG_1221.jpg


Well-Known Member
think im not gonna use the ripen last 2 weeks
lol no what i said mate, the 14days is the better option tho and i usually use 4ml per ltr but have seen burn on exo and pyscho at 5ml and them strains can handle there nutes, dunno what that pe ur growin is like nutewise tho?


Well-Known Member
knees ok for you ya gooner.
Fuck I'll relish the distraction from waiting for this Ozil deal to go through, I'll have chomped my fingernails down to my knuckles if they don't make an official announcement soon.[/QUOTE]

hes a player n half i like that ozil, suprised madrid are letting him go and that tight cunt wenger is getting his wallet out.
Fuck I'll relish the distraction from waiting for this Ozil deal to go through, I'll have chomped my fingernails down to my knuckles if they don't make an official announcement soon.
hes a player n half i like that ozil, suprised madrid are letting him go and that tight cunt wenger is getting his wallet out.[/QUOTE]

I know they must be mad to let him go, more combined key passes last season than Messi, Iniesta & Busquets COMBINED. And Wenger has said before he is willing to spend for exceptional quality, never thought I would see the day to be honest. Still not counting my chickens just yet though.


Well-Known Member
Fuck off yid! Shit I forgot to mention... U watch the game yesterday sambo? Lol think I'm gonna use the ripen, seeing as the sent it me lol. Jus gonna feed with pk for 10 days then use the ripen in the last few weeks.
@imc gimmi gimmi gimmi :) lol
@ guards they sent me ripen instead of magne cal mate.


Well-Known Member
Fuck off yid! Shit I forgot to mention... U watch the game yesterday sambo? Lol think I'm gonna use the ripen, seeing as the sent it me lol. Jus gonna feed with pk for 10 days then use the ripen in the last few weeks.
@imc gimmi gimmi gimmi :) lol
@ guards they sent me ripen instead of magne cal mate.
yeah i watched us outplay you at home for 80percent of the fucking game thats what i watched shitface lol didnt no thats why you got the ripen lol it works spoons but you gotta member your plants are going to yellow after 2wks of no N, as said before its alot in your belief of a N def at the end adding flavor but not only that ive found it adds weight too.