The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Oooh that's a different matter, you may well be fucked after a hair test regardless.
Well when the bloke asked us if any of us had any worries bout a drug test i answered "only coz my mates smoke it around me quite often" an he said they dont expect absolute zero they are looking for people who are quite obviously smoking all day every day, also I told em my missus smokes it on occasion for her scoliosis but i havent touched it since i was a teenager as I dont like the taste or smell lmao, got the job thru a family member/old pals network kinda thing so not anticipating an hassles


Well-Known Member
only reason i know is coz the missus had one done, they send em off a place in states, but prolly use uk for a job like.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
hahaha i found a solution to my clone problem, turns out the benifical micros i was adding, made root bumps after two days however these act as roots, and clones then take ages to "push" roots out.....i couldnt understand why i was getting so much top growth!!!

rimmer what docks you on ill come and bring a zoobie...then smoke it watching you work it near the airport?

The Groke

nah not a piss test, its sposed to be a blood n hair test as its done by the City of London police as they own all 5 docks down here(City of london not the police lmao), thankfully(depending on how ya look at it ) I havent had a smoke in over 2-3 weeks n that was just a joints worth or 2 given to us by a mate so by the time the test date gets here should hopefully come back as clean as its ever likely to be lol

will roughly be 4-6 weeks between my last joint n the test so hopefully will fly through it n then testing after that is only done if you are involved in an accident apparently
Is the testing being carried out at a private clinic? These places don't usually have the means to process blood n hair samples so they have to send them away to a lab to be processed so you might not even find out on the day which does happen from time to time. Cut out any fatty foods and the bloods should be fine but the hair test will be touch n go I think although it is strange that they would carry out both blood and hair sampling.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Well when the bloke asked us if any of us had any worries bout a drug test i answered "only coz my mates smoke it around me quite often" an he said they dont expect absolute zero they are looking for people who are quite obviously smoking all day every day, also I told em my missus smokes it on occasion for her scoliosis but i havent touched it since i was a teenager as I dont like the taste or smell lmao, got the job thru a family member/old pals network kinda thing so not anticipating an hassles
That won't cut it, second hand weed smoke doesn't show up on tests.

haha my hair grows about 2" a month n im getting it cut down to a no.3 on weds lol
Good lad, lol.

In hair it's up to 90 days depending on how much hair is taken, cut it as short as possible now then again just before.
They can't test with hair they haven't got.

In blood it's only 2 days so you've nothing to worry about there.

Job's sorted.


Well-Known Member
Is the testing being carried out at a private clinic? These places don't usually have the means to process blood n hair samples so they have to send them away to a lab to be processed so you might not even find out on the day which does happen from time to time. Cut out any fatty foods and the bloods should be fine but the hair test will be touch n go I think although it is strange that they would carry out both blood and hair sampling.
medical centre in the docks, 1 doctor n 1 nurse works there


Well-Known Member
na dont have to proove nish, the missus had it done few yrs bak, they went bak a year or more bak,, sent to america wer they tested it,,
ast asked her and they went bak a yr with a full strand a yr, so maybe a inch a month or watever but point remains, they went bak a yr with her, so its possible,im not expert by far, but i cant see a job doing the test, it aint cheap