The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I'm gonna wait for top boy to finish then watch the lot. i was chattin to me pal the other day n he was saying it was canny. i said well it's better than the main bloke's 'rap' career lol. to which me pal said well aye it would be he's been playing at being a gangster most his life he should be good at acting like that.
He was actually acting long before he was rapping (he did Grange Hill) and so Solid were hugely successful in the short period before they got shut down.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
But u can't patent a plant so then everyone could do it
You can and they did, that's how Sativex came along.

David Watson bred 2 different phenos of Skunk #1, one produces only THC the other only CBD, because he has created "something that cannot be found in nature" it can be patented.

His beans are grown by GW Pharma to make Sativex.

Even the stoner hippy turned big pharma in the end, lol.


Well-Known Member
yeh i just finsihing sn1 il try sn 2 later

sweet op,, fucking grasses, eh......

and even tho u have a provvi she has to have been driving 3 yrs and have u insured on her policy as well as herself, propper cluster fuk nowadays, used to be just of the main licence holder was fully comp then they could sit next to u,

dvla sent my money bak the priks, all coz i was honest, asking for depol papers form 15 yrs ago,,, lol they get destroyed after 6 yrs by law, the fuktards,

i was like so u let the immigrants cum in with nowt but a bag and they can get a licence but me mr honest cant, u BASTARDS, wen ops done ima get everything they can want and try again,,priks
poor phil, he got done by a ciggie butt that he left there, they got dna off of it apparently.
he got to the point where he thought he had gotten away with it and only the people who got nicked in there were getting prosecuted, then two weeks later the big red key come a knocking.
he's out now, prob back at it again, he is a good lad, just a bit mad lol.


Well-Known Member
You can and they did, that's how Sativex came along.

David Watson bred 2 different phenos of Skunk #1, one produces only THC the other only CBD, because he has created "something that cannot be found in nature" it can be patented.

His beans are grown by GW Pharma to make Sativex.

Even the stoner hippy turned big pharma in the end, lol.
Right I'm with ya so its just 2 plants he's patented that's what rare dankness ate trying to do now I think make a strain that produces nothing but cbd's.. its a step forward but in the wrong direction legalise is the key I think legalised but controlled to an extent like alcohol but u know if 10 lads went out on the town just to coffee shops smoking weed all night I don't think they'd be looking for a scrap at the end if the night naaaaa mean Lol.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
quick question lads, as i have no ph / ec meter atm,

if i currently use 10ml of nutes per 10ltrs res, and i want to change the res size to 40ltrs...

would i be correct in assuming i would just i would use 40ml per 40ltrs..???


Well-Known Member
Wow. I just had a little google search for the research on cannabis and cancer, and it does look pretty good.

I thought maybe you guys were talking about some voodoo science or something, but there's some amazing research out there. And to think...all these years I thought smoking was bad for me :)

Of course I only smoke joints...never that dirty baccy on its own. Filthy stuff....

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Wow. I just had a little google search for the research on cannabis and cancer, and it does look pretty good.

I thought maybe you guys were talking about some voodoo science or something, but there's some amazing research out there. And to think...all these years I thought smoking was bad for me :)

Of course I only smoke joints...never that dirty baccy on its own. Filthy stuff....
Smoking IS bad for you, lol.


Well-Known Member
Smoking is bad for ya Lol but with cannabis there's a reduced risk of cancer and tumorous cells. Its crazy how THC and cbd kill cancer cells and shrink tumors and keep them shrunk but its still illegal throughout most parts of the world its crazy.. I think vaping is the healthier option but fuck knows never done it I love my joints blunts and bongs too much lol


Well-Known Member
quick question lads, as i have no ph / ec meter atm,

if i currently use 10ml of nutes per 10ltrs res, and i want to change the res size to 40ltrs...

would i be correct in assuming i would just i would use 40ml per 40ltrs..???
Lmao now I thought I was shit at maths yes if course it is mate or you just asking a daft question to reel folk like me in lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Hell, I know it can't be good for me..I used to be able to hold my breath for 4 minutes when I was 17 (I went through a phase wanting to free dive)...30 seconds is pushing it these days :)

I thought about buying a vap too, but joints are just so much more...relaxing. Don't know why. I quite enjoy skinning up too sometimes..making a nice looking j is strangely satisfying. My doc always tells me I should eat it instead...but that just isn't the same is it!!


Well-Known Member
quick question lads, as i have no ph / ec meter atm,

if i currently use 10ml of nutes per 10ltrs res, and i want to change the res size to 40ltrs...

would i be correct in assuming i would just i would use 40ml per 40ltrs..???
if y~x, then 4y~4x


Well-Known Member
Eating it smashes you but as a smoker I find a joint more satisfying for sure I'm just smoking a big fat dutty right now mmmm mmmmmmm ;)


Well-Known Member
i reckon we all share a similar gene that means we all enjoy self mutilating to some degree.
there are a lot of ways to destroy your body but a doctor will tell you, smoking is one of the very worst things you can do to your health.

i still can't help but crave a joint over the volcano.
i've been on pure joints for 3 years and can't even smoke one pull of a ciggie joint, yet my chest is still constantly fucked and the volcano is gathering dust.

something tells me i'm a bit wrong in the head.

does anybody crave a weed brownie?


Well-Known Member
Its all personal preference ain't it mate I smoke baccy so have to put it in me joints otherwise I'll have a fag if if I have pure joints and I'd get through an oz a week easy on pure ones lol


Well-Known Member
i reckon we all share a similar gene that means we all enjoy self mutilating to some degree.
there are a lot of ways to destroy your body but a doctor will tell you, smoking is one of the very worst things you can do to your health.

i still can't help but crave a joint over the volcano.
i've been on pure joints for 3 years and can't even smoke one pull of a ciggie joint, yet my chest is still constantly fucked and the volcano is gathering dust.

something tells me i'm a bit wrong in the head.

does anybody crave a weed brownie?
yes, infact im going to have one in a bit, bed at 9, up at 3, helps me sleep.:sleep: