The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
morning fellas, need to get some ona gel for the room mi tents in.... The Exo s stinking mi whole house out lol iv even got it drying in the tent with mi filter running!


Easy sae how do? Go on badger tell the twat to do one lol sum1 had to. Ive just chucked a big stew in the oven gonna have it with some part bake rolls mmm mmmmm

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
flushing is for toilets......
understandable in soil but i have noticed a better taste when i flush (dwc)...... i cant argue with taste....

i also spend allot of time watching commercail growers who concentrate on a quality commersh product......

they all use pure coco and all use plain water for last 2 weeks....


Active Member
Just been up feeding and training these BB girls they sure love their feed and also respond amazing to getting tied down im seeing about half an inch to an inch of growth each day, they were potted on the 8th sept and are already about a foot tall, another 3 weeks and they will be getting flipped, they look like their gonna be monster bushes :)
Yeah I can wash elements out of my body by drinking lots of water too.........:roll:

There's a simple solution to shite tasting weed, don't over fert it in the first place and dry/cure it properly.
I use coco and raw salts to flower, I don't flush and my shit doesn't taste like shite.


afternoon fanny fart sniffers.......well started then on 2 pints now of 5ml per ltr.......saying (pints) in early stage veg get half pint then later they get a pint......then as switching from veg to flower they get pint and half.......then once I start seeing hairs or first sighn of buds forming they get 2 pints......(that's using a pint glass btw lol)....but yer coming on nice think a few are gonna be close to 4 foot......IMG_1467.jpgIMG_1469.jpgIMG_1470.jpgIMG_1471.jpgIMG_1472.jpgIMG_1473.jpg

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Yeah I can wash elements out of my body by drinking lots of water too.........:roll:

There's a simple solution to shite tasting weed, don't over fert it in the first place and dry/cure it properly.
I use coco and raw salts to flower, I don't flush and my shit doesn't taste like shite.
you can if you google the effects of too much water consumption in humans

surley the point of a hydro system is to push plants to there max feeding potentail for bigger yeilds, and to speed up the plants growth so it develops quicker then mud getting harvests quicker! not to hold back and be cautious.......

coco is not hydro, imo water has to be the medium for it to be hydro.....soiless is well soiless, coco is found in many many pre packaged dirt mixes.....

one question if flushing is o bad why does every vid ever made always tell ya to flush for two weeks????


Well-Known Member
If its not organic for me I'd rather flush it. I even flush with organic but some say no need. Guess everyone's different but I can taste weed that hasn't been flushed properly IMO.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
soil is like a sponge imo takes ages to do anything with e.g change ph.

soil hold onto everything which is why when your plants start burning up theres not much you can do......quickly, i have never phd any water for plants in soil (inc my cuttings atm) and use ph 8.5 - 9 city water......never a lock out.....

but then in soil you have a hole living world under the soil which help breaks things down.....i dunno ive flushed and chopped without with was defo better