The UK Growers Thread!

london and the south, ireland,scotland just you northerners still living in the past expecting old skool prices lol
Seen as West Yorkshire statistically produces more ganja than any other part of Britain by far and the price here is what it is I'd say the rest of you need to start shopping around cos your getting your pants pulled down!


Well-Known Member
Seen as West Yorkshire statistically produces more ganja than any other part of Britain by far and the price here is what it is I'd say the rest of you need to start shopping around cos your getting your pants pulled down!
Some of us maybe sell at these prices but as for buying at them prices gtf


Active Member
now now girls!

so err oh yeh,, just messaged my ebay seller who i get all my shit from saying look i order form u a lot and my pals go hydro shops, they get all sorts of freebies and sample, so if i cover postage any chance if u got any o fthat new blooom booster stuff, or any other sample u got lemmi know..

dont get if u dont ask eh? lol

cheeky till the end! :)


Well-Known Member
yer mate tru dat......they have always got free sample stuff about all dippends if can be arsed to post I was helping bloke in local put up one of those loft tents that look like a house today...they look pretty good.....poles and joints thicker than standard and metal corners instead of plastic....


Well-Known Member
Seen as West Yorkshire statistically produces more ganja than any other part of Britain by far and the price here is what it is I'd say the rest of you need to start shopping around cos your getting your pants pulled down!
as we all no bert you are been more of a buyer than a seller for a number of years and thats the way your point is clearly coming across as a buyer, i wouldnt even pay 160s mate for a oz of anything not unless i was gonna move it on and earn of it, fuck i could drink for 2wks on that 160 or smoke it all in 3-5 days???

fact remains that a large part of the UK is paying 200s+


Well-Known Member
as we all no bert you are been more of a buyer than a seller for a number of years and thats the way your point is clearly coming across as a buyer, i wouldnt even pay 160s mate for a oz of anything not unless i was gonna move it on and earn of it, fuck i could drink for 2wks on that 160 or smoke it all in 3-5 days???

fact remains that a large part of the UK is paying 200s+
People here are sellin what they call chinese weed for 70 a q, it looks like it's been pulled early not dried right and badly trimmed....and people are buyin it like fuck lol, that alone says my price is fair


Well-Known Member
makes sense I wouldn't pay for weed ffs thats just mad when you can grow it....sorry m8 I thought u were a seller bertie 160 is a lot to pay for a herb


Well-Known Member
yer mate tru dat......they have always got free sample stuff about all dippends if can be arsed to post I was helping bloke in local put up one of those loft tents that look like a house today...they look pretty good.....poles and joints thicker than standard and metal corners instead of plastic....
i had the same make tents as them loft tents just not loft version, yeah they are very well made with the poles n joints but they are pretty strange too, they have 3 large side openings that your spose to water from and it was a pain in the arse compared to normal tents that have the opening at the front.


Well-Known Member
People here are sellin what they call chinese weed for 70 a q, it looks like it's been pulled early not dried right and badly trimmed....and people are buyin it like fuck lol, that alone says my price is fair
hydro when have you ever had any problems getting rid of some pretty decent amounts errrr never lol well not in the few years i known ya, your prices are just the norm for your area only difference is at least they are getting quality from you.

i was always jealous tho you fucking wanker lololol


Well-Known Member
yer this one had bludy windows ect lolol had zip at front too lol I liked it more on how sterdy it was.......
if you av a look at there website, theres pics of people doing pull-ups on them tents lol they are very well made, but them windows instead of the front opening where a pain in the arse.


Well-Known Member
hydro when have you ever had any problems getting rid of some pretty decent amounts errrr never lol well not in the few years i known ya, your prices are just the norm for your area only difference is at least they are getting quality from you.

i was always jealous tho you fucking wanker lololol
Just a pity between me and all of yous thers that thing called customs lol or else I'd be buying everything off the lotta ye at ur 160s lol
Get rid of Cameron and give Bertie the job lol

first off all maybe ur forgetting that I'm in a diff country than u m8 so who are u to say that the price for my weed is too expensive? Secondly I'm probly the only person in this country holdin 3 of the best strains around in some peoples opinion so until I'm sittin with a shed load off the stuff that I can't get rid of cos apparently it's too dear I think I'll keep my prices as they are....hint of jealousy at my prices maybe??
First maybe you missed that I said "in this attitude is where lies the problem". I was generalising dude, not using you as a direct example.

I didn't know you're in a different country, I was using British mainland as the basis so it's irrelevant.
On that basis then your gear could be called reasonable but it doesn't matter what country you live in the same economic principles still apply, there's only so much anybody can possibly expect to charge for any given product.
If the whole market was to keep knocking up the price a little at a time on greed unrelated to quality it would eventually fuck up.

I'm not jealous at your prices if I've said I punt for what it's worth not what I can get away with am I?


Well-Known Member
First maybe you missed that I said "in this attitude is where lies the problem". I was generalising dude, not using you as a direct example.

I didn't know you're in a different country, I was using British mainland as the basis so it's irrelevant.
On that basis then your gear could be called reasonable but it doesn't matter what country you live in the same economic principles still apply, there's only so much anybody can possibly expect to charge for any given product.
If the whole market was to keep knocking up the price a little at a time on greed unrelated to quality it would eventually fuck up.

I'm not jealous at your prices if I've said I punt for what it's worth not what I can get away with am I?
First! Lol, I thot u wer meaning at my attitude and basically sayin my attitude is what's goina fuck the country up lol...couldn't care anyway it's already fucked! And tbh honest the prices here ain't creepin up, been the same for years now.

whos to say what it's worth? Dosent have the same value to everyone, one person might value it more than the next so that's why I say take as much as u can get for it. To say urs is only worth 160 u don't value it very much IMO....I recon mines is worth at least 350 bulk but the problem is I can't get that lol so ill stick to what I can get and that's 250


Active Member
c'mon the mighty glasgow green and whites, got the beer in the fridge and dinner on its way time to watch Celtic smash these Ajax wanks all over the park. HH, YNWA :)
as we all no bert you are been more of a buyer than a seller for a number of years and thats the way your point is clearly coming across as a buyer, i wouldnt even pay 160s mate for a oz of anything not unless i was gonna move it on and earn of it, fuck i could drink for 2wks on that 160 or smoke it all in 3-5 days???

fact remains that a large part of the UK is paying 200s+

I don't get what your point is, you get good weed cheaper do you?
Me buying it for personal is irrelevant, the commercial supply around me (that's going to the rest of the country) is not much less in bulk as I said.

A large part of the UK are obviously getting ripped off by the greedy hype, which was exactly my point.


Well-Known Member
I don't get what your point is, you get good weed cheaper do you?
Me buying it for personal is irrelevant, the commercial supply around me (that's going to the rest of the country) is not much less in bulk as I said.

A large part of the UK are obviously getting ripped off by the greedy hype, which was exactly my point.
my point bert is your posts are clearly coming across from a buyers side not a sellers, i dont want the price to drop not at all i want it to keep rising for all the people i no who sell and for me if i ever sell again.

as for me getting cheap weed??? no mate i carnt i wont pay for weed, and havent for a number of years it was either my own or given to me from others as tasters.