The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member

Warm pasta (not hot because then it will cook the yolks), a little olive oil and quality pancetta bound with good egg yolks (raw) and parmesan, maybe a little basil if you like.

Serve it as the yolks fluff and the pasta is glossy, job done.

Dad says that cream found it's way in because of ignorant customers complaining that they weren't getting their money's worth when served a proper cabonara cos there's nothing to it (like most Italian dishes), they put cream in it to bulk it out for the commercial restaurant market in the 80's. ;)
ive just been sick in my mouth, what a fukin horrible combination I thought that food was for old people who don't have full control of there anus and need a bit of binder


Well-Known Member
good morning im out hunting for penny bun mushies later if its forecast is once in a decade storm.........ill be getting the generator prepped cos I don't fancy a powerout with 2 tents of clone onlies growing and drying, gotta keep those fans running ffs.


Well-Known Member
good luck finding anybody wit any kind of qualifications in here, i think ice might have an o level in english, but othr than that we are a gang of savages.


Active Member
well how are we all this morning? everyone enjoy their extra hour in bed with clocks changing? i didnt my son woke me up thinking it was 8 but in fact was 7am not good when you've been sat drinking a case of beers to yourself the night before, rough is a mild word to describe how i feel 2day.....and gotta get my shit 2gether and take kids to lazer tag as well, this shud be fun


Active Member
Darn, wasn't wanting to hear that.
it takes a long time to gain trust in this thread m8, there are plenty ppl capable and more than qualified to do the job, its just ur new and we are all paranoid fukkerz so aint gonna ofer to help with anything till u been around long enuf to earn some trust and respect from the other regular users and prove u aint no pig, and dont be fooled by new usersnames not everyone is as new as they look so be careful what u say and to who as u might just be annoying the 1 person that cud or wud be willing to help u.


Active Member
Fuk u sheep lmao

My pal oppositw got robbed last nihht..emptied hia flat.. he aint tv an allsorts gone

Wtf is a1 sauce


Well-Known Member
turbs it's a yank steak sauce/ marinade, like hp on crack, a little bit goes a long way. i hope you got round there with some psycho to comfort your neighbour, robbing cunts!

how ya doing sae, made any progress yet? .

i reckon you could get a 4-6" adapter and just use the 4" fan as an exhaust seeing as we are going in to winter and all, will be a lot quieter than the 6".


Well-Known Member
turbs it's a yank steak sauce/ marinade, like hp on crack, a little bit goes a long way. i hope you got round there with some psycho to comfort your neighbour, robbing cunts!

how ya doing sae, made any progress yet? .

i reckon you could get a 4-6" adapter and just use the 4" fan as an exhaust seeing as we are going in to winter and all, will be a lot quieter than the 6".
Heya mate hope your keeping well? Basically im waiting for next lot of money to come in to buy a reducer an heavy duty clamp for attaching fan to filter an for some money to chuck on the leccy then i reckon ill be good to go :-)


Well-Known Member
sae have you germd any seeds yet or acquired cuts? i take it you are on a leccy key?..... robbing bastards aint they?, my 2400w op takes about 7quid a day in flower!!