The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
good morning, I slept well despite all the gore, just cloned out the psycho and transferred 6 plants to the flower tent, yesterday cropped and trimmed 4 fuked still got watering to do and ......monthly harvest is full on but woth it.......ummmm mrs is cooking beef and herb sausages with roasted root veg for breakfast.....and im plotting


Well-Known Member
good morning, I slept well despite all the gore, just cloned out the psycho and transferred 6 plants to the flower tent, yesterday cropped and trimmed 4 fuked still got watering to do and ......monthly harvest is full on but woth it.......ummmm mrs is cooking beef and herb sausages with roasted root veg for breakfast.....and im plotting
id love to do perpetual and harvest every month zeddd but just don't think I'd have the that is a breakfast for champions


Well-Known Member
id love to do perpetual and harvest every month zeddd but just don't think I'd have the that is a breakfast for champions
mrs gets the meat from a farm in devon for some reason tastes bttr, and these people believe in feasting if ur hungry so we have some good weird brekkies, things have changed a bit used to wake up to stella and b...the perp is work but its a cannabis production line and ive got a high overhead so need to produce and now im runnin co s its all good, hows you mate ?


Well-Known Member
My AK,is showing the same droopy signs as the other seedlings did that died, fucking old soil,never reusing shit again!! Is it 2 young to repot? Its about 9 days old?


Well-Known Member
...not down to over watering cuz I water every 2 days n wait till the soil starts to part from the pot n when it feels empty of moisture but my humidity is like 30%


Well-Known Member
Humidity should be waaay higher for seedlings, like 70% mine were at.

Feed with a pipette, like 100ml at a time, Rhizotonic and Ph'd water till leaves established man.

If you were in coco you could flush and repot easily..


Well-Known Member
Humidity should be waaay higher for seedlings, like 70% mine were at.

Feed with a pipette, like 100ml at a time, Rhizotonic and Ph'd water till leaves established man.

If you were in coco you could flush and repot easily..
ill throw a humidifier in there at lights out and have it go on every half hour or so. Still 2 early to be feeding isn't it? Water is phed at 6.5.


Well-Known Member
Morning boys how are we? Yeh paddy get that humidity up mate they love it. And drooping??? Get a pic up a picture tells a thousand words to the lads on here ;). Anyway I'm just having a quick zoot then off to probation lmao oh dear what have you done Shawn!!!


Well-Known Member
mrs gets the meat from a farm in devon for some reason tastes bttr, and these people believe in feasting if ur hungry so we have some good weird brekkies, things have changed a bit used to wake up to stella and b...the perp is work but its a cannabis production line and ive got a high overhead so need to produce and now im runnin co s its all good, hows you mate ?
Do you find a big improvement in using co2? Have you got a big tank or a burner? I bought some co2 bags once but didn't think they really made a difference they were cheap like lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

Mate gave me an oz of psycho last night ( got to pay him it back when the above finishes. i stuck it in what i thought was an airtight pack lunch box type tupperware. not fucking airtight in the slightest. bus home was howling of cosis. and being as baked as I was i've only gone and put my bait for graft in it. butty's reek of weed.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha u mad head I think we've all done that before well not weed stinkin sarnies but stinkin a shop out or something and evry1 knows its you lmao risky

Looks real nice tho that don mouth watering ;)