The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
In all fairness all the bud that will be in the cannabis cup is gonna be half decent. Not like there gonna throw you a wet bag of leafy shit lol. Have u seen how much bud they give you when your a judge? I saw a vid of a judge un-boxing all his samples and there was a decent ammont. #jussaying lol


Well-Known Member
Hi lads,
Could you check my recent post in general. Need a bit of advice on watering in coco. Been out the game for quite a while! Thanks


Well-Known Member
Morning batty tweakers. Well I've got a pissed off little boy today poor lad canna get his shit out just had to get some laxative's for the poor little bugger bless him....... @ badger I know what u sayin I've seen some vids of judges with shit loads of gear hash weed all sorts nut on the site it says u don't get any free weed judge u have to buy it but she stalls give out samples in vape bags load a shit if u ask me Lol.


Well-Known Member
Morning all, off on a hunt for soil today, all the local shops have all got rid of their displays n replaced it with xmas shite so looking like its gonna be a choice of garden centre/b&Q/hydro shop lol........if the worst comes to the worst I know the local hydro shop does All-mix, anyone ever used the stuff?


Well-Known Member
Morning all, off on a hunt for soil today, all the local shops have all got rid of their displays n replaced it with xmas shite so looking like its gonna be a choice of garden centre/b&Q/hydro shop lol........if the worst comes to the worst I know the local hydro shop does All-mix, anyone ever used the stuff?
allmix cut with lorts of perlite is what I use for veg.....needs perlite imo


Well-Known Member
just got a email from the leccy company....apologising etc,,,thanking me etc.....all good then, yes it is possible to run 5kw grow equip in a domestic setting....just...I had a little bs ing to do but all safe now......the bill wont be pretty tho ha ha


Well-Known Member
Morning all, off on a hunt for soil today, all the local shops have all got rid of their displays n replaced it with xmas shite so looking like its gonna be a choice of garden centre/b&Q/hydro shop lol........if the worst comes to the worst I know the local hydro shop does All-mix, anyone ever used the stuff?

i use allmix from planting seed all the way thru to harvest, and it has perlite already mixed thru it, u may want to add a little more but thats all personal preference m8. if have a dobbies garden centre near u their muti purpose compost is pretty good as well but u will need perlite for that, :)


Well-Known Member
well got my 1st ever clones rooted :) :) only took 9 days from snipping them off their mother plants and in jiffy pellets.
only the 2 BB have rooted so far still waiting on the exo & PP

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Well-Known Member
Haha what u tell em z that u got electric heating? Lol tbh it might be cheaper getting thru almost a fiver a day on gas takes the piss man.

Looking good Gaz nice white shoots mate. Well just got little man off so time for a joint me thinks


Well-Known Member
Haha what u tell em z that u got electric heating? Lol tbh it might be cheaper getting thru almost a fiver a day on gas takes the piss man.

Looking good Gaz nice white shoots mate. Well just got little man off so time for a joint me thinks
I just reprimanded them for being so off with my bill when I had already told them about about my high usage from the off, this is why I got a personal email from customer services apologising......


Well-Known Member
That's it as long as you pay they love you don't they.was reading on a grow that got busted in south wales nearly.300 plants man they rigged the leccy up silly cunts wonder who grassed em up


Well-Known Member
Im back, found a bag of Light Mix in the end as hydro shop was out of everything else lol, so gonna get these ladies repotted today into 11L square pots an chuck em under the 600 to veg lol


Well-Known Member
afternoon boys, been out shopping all day with the wife, now its time to get ready for my sons birthday party, lucky me eh? got an evening full of screaming 7 year olds in a play center :(
oh well will be rolling a few and leaving them in the car so i can jump out for a smoke every now and then, cant be doing with all the stuck up parents either leave the wife to entertain them lol


Well-Known Member
Ur grand once U pay ur bill at the end of the day its a business so they want to make money so they probably got caught qhn they decided to steal R rig the power. zedd got an apology haha that's fucking brilliant and shows once U pay ur bill they don't give a fuck!


Well-Known Member
Hey lads I did an old PH on my runoff n its 6.0 im using 6.5 adjusted water (normally 7.0 out of the tap)I've found mixed reviews online should it be ok? I know cal n mag can get lockout this low but some personal advice will be greatly appreciated.