The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
nice machine there m8, wudnt mind one of them myself, i fuckin hate my car now, once finance is paid in july im selling it and getting a new one, thinking about a new astra gtc


Well-Known Member
yer ive got a 13 plate astra gtc in black......they not to bad...wldnt mind the vxr gtc but not paying 23 k for 1 lol
nice machine there m8, wudnt mind one of them myself, i fuckin hate my car now, once finance is paid in july im selling it and getting a new one, thinking about a new astra gtc


Well-Known Member
yeah my budget for my new car will be around 3-5k at the most, ive never owned a brand new car and dont expect to anytime soon lol the prices these days are ridiculous, i'll be looking at one no more than 3 year old.


Well-Known Member
I had full limo tints on gtc all round aint been pulled yet lol...its funny wen I go to grow shop cos ppl think its a cop car....many of times been in shop and herd them say n bloke just laffed lol


Well-Known Member
its shit when that happens m8, normally im sick every birthday and xmas but luckily this year ive been fine so far, hopefully ur a bit better 2morro for the kids xmas


Well-Known Member
well kids are away to bed, time to tidy the house and get the presents brought downstairs, will be worth all the effort when i see their little faces 2morro morning :)

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
So the missus has chucked me some money to get a smoke for xmas.

Cheers babe but you could have mentioned it earlier in the day so I could have done something about it, dangle the fucking carrot why don't you! :wall:


Well-Known Member
"I use those same timers with no problems"................."except I've got em plugged into proper contactor lead first" is a bit of a contradiction, lol.
I do use them with no problems in another grow tho like I said, stop nit pickin yorkie it's fuckin Xmas.....just cos you've got money and no weed lol


Well-Known Member
hahahaha what u mean what did i get lol, kids got prezzies this year me and the wife got a new outfit for going to xmas dinner but thats it, things were tight this year so we just concentrated on the kids, come harvest time in feb i will be spoiling us all a bit


Well-Known Member
hahahaha what u mean what did i get lol, kids got prezzies this year me and the wife got a new outfit for going to xmas dinner but thats it, things were tight this year so we just concentrated on the kids, come harvest time in feb i will be spoiling us all a bit
aye fuckin harvest time can't come quick enough m8, I've weed to do me bit could do with the cash, hopefully have a nice harvest too this time


Well-Known Member
no prezzies for me either, got loads of booze n weed tho lol n the kids got shitloads, prezzies that is not weed n booze lol, fuck i was ill today was mingled last night n spewing up most the morning niiiice.


Well-Known Member
still feel like shit......prezzys done......dunno what ive got......dow think santa coming to me cos been naughty boy growing u then santa................:finger: