The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Bollocks Ched don't try back tracking,you linked regular Claritin which can't be used despite you being adamant that it can.

Claritin is NOT the same as Claritin-D (you didn't know until I said), just like ephedrine is NOT the same as pseudoephedrine

If you can't wrap your head round the fundamental difference mate it's you who shouldn't be making the stuff.

I hope you don't put olive oil in your chip pan instead of vegetable oil thinking it will do the same job, lol.
Lmfao yorkie ya saft fuck ya dont like wen ya beat do ya lad lmfao how many times did I say ya could use claritin ??? And u said u could nt lol I said look at the link how many times ?? Come on lads lets all back track to last night shall we lol just for the chem man of the thread lmao I said look at the link robbie put up 2 or 3 times so dont try and butter it cus ya were wrong lad claritin and claritin d is diffrent I neva said it was nt ya sausage I told peeps to look at the link so they could see for thereselves so dont try and talk down to me ya dick just admit ya were wrong!! Instead of tryin to back track and makin out ya were right and yh there is no edits in my posts lmfao as I knew wot I ment you neva looked at the link untill now hence why ya got claritin d!! Lol I fuckin hate that lol tell me im wwrng yorkie lmao claritin and claritin d av diffrent shit in them if ya cant look to see which 1 ya need then who is to blame lmao


Well-Known Member
that's quite pricey, just buy the cheapest butter there is and clarify it yourself. It's easy, low temperature and cook the butter until it seperates, then skim. Just put clarifyied butter in google and you will get a better explanation of how to make it. IF you want canna butter that doesn't taste of leaves then extract the trichomes through a bubble bag and add the kief to the butter, then you know the exact does that goes into it as well....just my 10bobs worth,
You want to use ghee instead of oil mate, most big supermarkets sell it.

It'll be in the section where the world foods are, in a gold tin for about £10.

Melt it in a pan, disolve your product in it then you can freeze it in blocks until you need it.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Out of interest at what point in the year do people start putting Auto`s outside? gonna do a load of guerilla plots this year as when mid-summer hits if its hot wont be able to grow indoors till the autumn
Mogggy's puts his out about march after he's sexed em inside for a couple of weeks.

so hows things all going in you man cave? any interesting side projects on the go atm? Also whatever happened to you n that trianacantol thing?
Money mate, I need an £800 sonicator to try and make the tria properly (that's if it works on cannabis, I'm not so sure it does tbh).

I'm still working on the nute formulas (they're closer) and again once it comes time to send out testers I need proper bottling/sealing kit that costs money.

Since BMR went I've gone off the drug laced Haribo idea (although I'll make some THC ones come crop time).

I'm toying with knocking a DMT batch up just to sit on

I still haven't sorted my apprentices loft space out yet for lack of funds.
Money,money,money mate. I'm as fucking broke as the ten commandments, lol.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
@Sae if I were to put auto's outside mate I'd prob start them in the middle of may and have them outside for the beginning of june with the hope they would be finished by about the middle of august, just saying what I personally would do having never grown them if I was to have a punt.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
that's quite pricey, just buy the cheapest butter there is and clarify it yourself. It's easy, low temperature and cook the butter until it seperates, then skim. Just put clarifyied butter in google and you will get a better explanation of how to make it. IF you want canna butter that doesn't taste of leaves then extract the trichomes through a bubble bag and add the kief to the butter, then you know the exact does that goes into it as well....just my 10bobs worth,
It does seem pricey at £10 aye but the tub is bigger than 10 blocks of butter (2.5kg for £9 odd) and the effort.
You'll be lucky to find a block of butter for £1 over here these days mate, stuffs getting expensive.
My missus likes to bake and it's her biggest gripe, she buys it when it's on offer and freezes it.


Well-Known Member
Mogggy's puts his out about march after he's sexed em inside for a couple of weeks.

Money mate, I need an £800 sonicator to try and make the tria properly (that's if it works on cannabis, I'm not so sure it does tbh).

I'm still working on the nute formulas (they're closer) and again once it comes time to send out testers I need proper bottling/sealing kit that costs money.

Since BMR went I've gone off the drug laced Haribo idea (although I'll make some THC ones come crop time).

I'm toying with knocking a DMT batch up just to sit on

I still haven't sorted my apprentices loft space out yet for lack of funds.
Money,money,money mate. I'm as fucking broke as the ten commandments, lol.

How is mogs anyways? aint seen him in ages, or is he yet another one thats here on a different username?

An as for the being skint thing i feel ya pain mate, am unemployed yet again an am just hoping i can get a grow done so ive actually got weed n some money for a change lol

Is there no way you can use a traditional corking machine with those new plastic type corks until you can afford a proper bottling machine?

An come testing time feel free to chuck a bottle across n ill help you out where i can, but unlike some people i aint gonna throw a bitch fit if ya dont need me to lmao


Well-Known Member
@yorky, yeh I've done the ghee b4 m8, just wanted to do a batch with oil for a change, there's lots of good recipes that require oil & not butter,just wanted abit of versatility 🍪